冯列峰 副教授


冯列峰,男,天津大学副教授,2005年3月毕业于天津大学应用物理学系材料物理化学专业,硕士学位,研究方向为半导体发光二极管正向电学特性;此后继续在天津大学理学院材料物理化学专业攻读博士学位,研究方向为激光二极管和发光二极管光电特性。2008年3月留在天津大学理学院物理系任教,并于2011年底顺利晋升为副教授。 至今,已主持完成2项国家级和2项目省部级科研项目,并于2013.6-2014.6以国家留学基金委的青年骨干教师项目出访美国华盛顿大学一年,和知名学者Xu XD教授合作发表Nature一篇。近十年来发表或参与发表SCI或EI论文近60篇。

2011.6- 天津大学理学院物理系 副教授
2008.3-2011.5 天津大学理学院物理系 讲师
2013.6-2014.6 美国华盛大学物理系 问学者 (Xu XD Group)

2005.3-2008.3 天津大学理学院物理系 博士
2002.9-2005.3 天津大学理学院物理系 硕士
1998.9-2002.7 天津师范大学物理电子学院 本科


 半导体光电子器件:主要研究半导体LED和LD光学和电学特性,探究反常物理现象的物理机制。
 二维材料及器件:主要研究石墨烯、黒磷等二维材料制备的FET,PN结、异质结等器件的特性。
 材料特性计算:第一性原理计算。


 天津市自然科学基金面上项目,多量子阱半导体激光器在阈值区域的反常光电特性,17JCYBJC16200 ,10万,2017/04 至2020/03,执行,主持。
 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,11204209,利用物理学基本原理对经典肖克莱半导体二极管理论的修正,2013/01-2015/12,30万元,已结题,主持;
 国家自然科学基金面上项目,60876035,半导体发光器件在大电流下的电学特性与发光特性,2009/01-2012/12,32万元,已结题,主持.
 天津市自然科学基金重点项目,“铁磁/多铁复合薄膜的磁电耦合”,13JCZDJC32800,2013/04-2016/03,20万,结题,主持.
 国家自然科学基金面上项目,61177014,InGaZnO/有机半导体复合沟道双极性TFT中的界面行为与CMOS集成器件研究,2012/01-2015/12,73万元,已结题,参与(排名3).
 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,50901050,铁磁性金属-半导体纳米颗粒薄膜的高频软磁特性研究,2010/01-2012/12,20万元(主持人姚东升),已结题,参与(排名2).
 国家自然科学基金面上项目,60376027,氮化镓基发光器件的电学频率特性,2004/01-2006/12,20万元(主持人王存达),已结题,参与(排名3).
 海南省自然科学基金面上项目,613173,宽禁带半导体量子阱器件光电特性的研究,5万,2013/08-2015/08,结题,(主持人为课题组毕业研究生李杨),参与(排名2).




 Sanfeng Wu, Sonia Buckley, John R. Schaibley, Liefeng Feng, Jiaqiang Yan, David G. Mandrus, Fariba Hatami, Wang Yao, Jelena Vucˇkovic′, Arka Majumdar, Xiaodong Xu, Monolayer semiconductor nanocavity lasers with ultralow thresholds, Nature 520, 69-72, 2015. 引>250,高被引用论文
 Qianqian Li, Jiancui Chen, Zhihong Feng, Liefeng Feng*, Dongsheng Yao, Shupeng Wang, The Role of Air Adsorption in Inverted Ultrathin Black Phosphorus Field-Effect Transistors, Nanoscale Research Letters (2016) 11:521.
 Zhihong Feng, Buyun Chen, Shuangbei Qian, Linyan Xu, Liefeng Feng*, Yuanyuan Yu, Rui Zhang, Jiancui Chen, Qianqian Li, Quanning Li, Chongling Sun, Hao Zhang, Jing Liu, Wei Pang, Daihua Zhang, Chemical sensing by band modulation of a black phosphorus/molybdenum diselenide van der Waals hetero-structure, 2D Mater. 3 (2016) 035021. 影响因子9.5.
 L. F. Feng*, Y. Li, D. Li, X. D. Hu, W. Yang, C. D. Wang, Q. Y. Xing, Precise relationship between voltage and frequency at the appearance of negative capacitance in InGaN diodes, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 101, 233506 (2012).
SP Wang, RJ Zhang, L Zhang,LF Feng#*, J Liu, Accurate change of carrier types within ultrathin MoTe2 field-effect transistors with the time exposed to ambient air, Journal of Materials Science, vol. 54, issue 4, pp. 3222-3229,2019.
LF Feng, JN Ma, Y Yang, TT Lin, LY Wang, The Electronic, Magnetic, Half-Metallic andMechanical Properties of the Equiatomic QuaternaryHeusler Compounds FeRhCrSi and FePdCrSi:A First-Principles Study, Applied Sciences, 8,2370,2018.
Liefeng Feng#*, Shupeng Wang, Yang Li, Ding Li*, Cunda Wang, Exciton recombination in lasingcontributing an opposite abrupt change of the electrical behavior nearthreshold between GaN- and GaAs- multi-quantum-well laser diodes, J. Phys. D, 2018,51(9): 095102.
 Liefeng Feng#*, Shupeng Wang, Yang Li, Xiufang Yang, Ding Li*, Cunda Wang, Opposite change trend of electrical behaviorcurves near the threshold, Appl. Phys. B, 124:39, 2018.
Jiannan Ma, LiefengFeng, Ruikang Guo, Yi Liao, Rabah Khenata, Guodong Liu, Liying Wang, NewHalf-Metallic Materials: FeRuCrP and FeRhCrP Quaternary Heusler Compounds,Materials, 10, 1367, 2017.
  Ke Shi, Liefeng Feng, Liangnian He, Hongru Li, Thermodynamic modeling of the supercritical CO 2 impregnation process for the preparation ibuprofen/polymethylmethacrylate composite,Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 78 · July 2017.
Ke Shi, LiefengFeng, Liangnian He, Hongru Li, SolubilityDetermination and Correlation of Gatifloxacin, Enrofloxacin, and Ciprofloxacinin Supercritical CO2,JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ANDENGINEERING DATA,62(12):4235-4243,2017.
Zheng, D., Gong, J., Jin, C., Li, P., Feng, L.,& Bai, H.. Exchange bias and strain effect co-modulated magnetic symmetryin la 0.6 sr 0.4 mno 3 /orthorhombic-ymno 3 multiferroic heterostructures. Journalof Physics D Applied Physics, (2017) 50(21), 215001.

Jiangtao Du, Shengjie Dong, Yi-Lin Lu, Hui Zhao, L.Y. Wang, Liefeng Feng*, Ab initio exploration of d0 digital magnetic heterostructures: The case of MgO and CaO δ-doped with potassium, The European Physical Journal B, 10.1140/epjb/e2017-70495-y, published online.
 Jiangtao Du, Shengjie Dong, Baozeng Zhou, Hui Zhao, Liefeng Feng*, Spin-gapless and half-metallic ferromagnetism in potassium and calcium δ-doped GaN digital magnetic heterostructures for possible spintronic applications: insights from first principles, Appl. Phys. A (2017) 123:220.
 Jiangtao Du, Shengjie Dong, Yi-Lin Lu, Hui Zhao, Liefeng Feng*, L.Y. Wang, First-principles exploration of sp-electron digital magnetic heterostructures: The case for CaO d-doped with 2p-block elements boron, carbon, and nitrogen, Computational Materials Science 130 (2017) 91–97.
 Jiangtao Du, Shengjie Dong, Baozeng Zhou, Hui Zhao, Liefeng Feng*, First-Principles Studies on d0 Magnetism in Zinc-Blende IV-IV Compounds-Based Short-Period Heterostructures (SiC)1/(KC)1, (GeC)1/(KC)1, (SiC)1/(CaC)1, and (GeC)1/(CaC)1, J Supercond Nov Magn,
 Jiangtao Du, L.F. Feng, X.T. Wang, Z. Qin, Z.X. Cheng, L.Y. Wang*, Novel bipolar magnetic semiconducting and fully compensated ferrimagnetic semiconducting characters in newly designed LiMgPdSn-type compounds: KCaCX (X=O, S, and Se), Journal of Alloys and Compounds 710 (2017) 1-7.
 Jiangtao Du, Shengjie Dong, Yi-Lin Lu, Hui Zhao, Liefeng Feng*, L.Y. Wang, Half-metallic ferromagnetic features in d0 quaternary-Heusler compounds KCaCF and KCaCCl: A first-principles description, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 428 (2017) 250–254.
 J.T. Du, S.J. Dong, X.T. Wang, H. Rozale, H. Zhao, L.Y. Wang, L.F. Feng*, Half-metallic ferromagnetism in KCaNX (X=O, S, and Se) quaternary Heusler compounds: A first-principles study,Superlattices and Microstructures 105 (2017) 39-47.
 Jiangtao Du, Shengjie Dong, X.T. Wang, Hui Zhao, L.Y. Wang, and L.F. Feng*, First-principles study on the half-metallic properties of the d0 quaternary Heusler compounds: KCaCBr and KCaCI, AIP ADVANCES 6, 105308 (2016).
 Junlu Gong, Dongxing Zheng, Dong Li, Chao Jin, Peng Li, Liefeng Feng, Haili Bai, Exchange bias effect modified asymmetric magnetization reversal in inNi/YMnO3 multiferroic bilayers, Applied Surface Science 368 (2016) 44–48.
 Lie-Feng Feng*, Kun Zhao, Hai-Tao Dai, Shu-Guo Wang, Xiao-Wei Sun, Charge recombination mechanism to explain the negative capacitance in dye-sensitized solar cells, Chin. Phys. B Vol. 25, No. 3 (2016) 037307.
 J. T. Du, L. F. Feng1, X. T. Wang, J. J. Liu, Z. Qin, J. T. Yang, L. Y. Wang, Half-Metallicity of the Fe-Based Single Atomic Chains in CoFeTiAl Quaternary Semiconductor, JOURNAL OF SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND NOVEL MAGNETISM, 30(3): 597-602.
 Dongxing Zheng, Chao Jin, Peng Li, Liyan Wang, Liefeng Feng, Wenbo Mi & Haili Bai, Orbital Reconstruction Enhanced Exchange Bias in La0.6Sr0.4MnO3/Orthorhombic YMnO3 Heterostructures, Scientific Reports, 6:24568, 2016.
 Dongsheng Yao, Wenchun Li, Yunbin Sun, Hongye Wu, Yi Lu, Jianjun Zhao, Liefeng Feng, Xiaohong Liu, Xueyun Zhou, Study on the microstructure, soft magnetic and high frequency properties of obliquely sputtered [Fe65Co35/ZnO]50 multilayer thin films, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 398, (2016), 298–302.
 K Zhao, XF Yang, B Xu, D Li, CD Wang, LF Feng*, Well Thickness Dependence of the Internal Quantum Efficiency and Carrier Concentration in GaN-Based Multiple Quantum Well Light-Emitting Diodes, Journal of Electronic Materials, 45(1): 786-790, 2016.
 Lei Li, Haitao Dai, Liefeng Feng, Dan Luo, Shuguo Wang, Xiaowei Sun, Enhance photoelectrochemical hydrogen-generationactivity and stability of TiO2 nanorod arrays sensitized by PbS and CdS quantum dots under UV-visible light, Nanoscale Research Letters (2015) 10:418.
 杨秀芳,赵 昆,李倩倩,杜江涛,王存达,冯列峰*,GaN基450nm波长LD在阈值处的反常电学特性,光电子• 激光,第26卷第6期,2015.
 Liefeng Feng*, Xiufang Yang, Yang Li, Ding Li, Cunda Wang, Dongsheng Yao, Xiaodong Hu, and Hongru Li, Competitive behavior of photons contributing to junction voltage jump in narrow band-gap semiconductor multi-quantum-well laser diodes at lasing threshold, AIP ADVANCES 5, 047132 (2015).
 Xiaohong Liu, Yalu Zuo, Xueyun Zhou,3 Wenchun Li, Liefeng Feng, Dongsheng Yao, Controlling the microwave characteristic of FeCoB-ZnO granular thin films deposited by obliquely sputtering, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 117, 103902 (2015).
 Y Li, LF Feng, QY Xing, XL Wang, Electrical Characteristics of GaN-Based Light-Emitting Diodes on Patterned Sapphire Substrates, Journal of ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, Vol. 44, No. 3, 2015.
 Wei Yang, Shuailong Zhang, Jonathan J. D. McKendry, Johannes Herrnsdorf, Pengfei Tian, Zheng Gong, Qingbin Ji, Ian M. Watson, Erdan Gu, Martin D. Dawson, Liefeng Feng, Cunda Wang, Xiaodong Hu, Size-dependent capacitance study on InGaN-based micro-light-emitting diodes, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 116, 044512 (2014).
 Ding Li, Hua Zong, Wei Yang, Liefeng Feng, Juan He, Weimin Du, Cunda Wang, Ya-Hong Xie, Zhijian Yang, Bo Shen, Guoyi Zhang, and Xiaodong Hu, Stimulated emission in GaN-based laser diodes far below the threshold region, OPTICS EXPRESS 2536, 2014.
 Ding Li, Wei Yang, Liefeng Feng, Peter W. Roth, Juan He,Weimin Du , Zhijian Yang, Cunda Wang, Guoyi Zhang, Xiaodong H, Stimulated emission related anomalous change of electrical parameters at threshold in GaN-based laser diodes, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 102, 123501 (2013).
 BQ Shen, LF Feng, SF Li, HR Li, Correlating and predicting the solubilities of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in supercritical fluids using the compressed gas model and the reference solubilities,FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA, 337: 100-108 , 15, 2013.
 Y Li, LF Feng, CD Wang, QY Xing, Precise Electrical Characterization of LEDs with Wide-band material,2nd International Conference on Information Technology and Management Innovation (ICITMI 2013). SCI
 李杨,冯列峰*,李丁,王存达,邢琼勇,张国义,半导体GaN基蓝光发光二极管的精确电学特性,光电子• 激光,第24卷第4期, 663-668, 2013.
 L. F. Feng*, Y. Li, D. Li, X. D. Hu, W. Yang, C. D. Wang, Q. Y. Xing, Precise relationship between voltage and frequency at the appearance of negative capacitance in InGaN diodes, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 101, 233506 (2012). 8次
 Qingqing Wei, Zhiqing Li, Xueyun Zhou, Yong Tian, Liefeng Feng, Dongsheng Yao, Dependence of soft magnetic properties and high frequency characteristics on film thickness for Ni75Fe25–ZnO nano-granular films, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 513 (2012) 23-26. 8次
 Y. Li, C.D. Wang, L.F. Feng*, C.Y. Zhu, H.X. Cong, D. Li, G.Y. Zhang, Elucidating negative capacitance in light-emitting diodes using an advanced semiconductor device theory, J. Appl. Phys. 109, 124506, 2011.
 Feng LieFeng*, Li Yang, Li Ding, Wang CunDa, Zhang GuoYi, Yao DongSheng, Liu WeiFang, Xing Peng-Fei, Frequency Response of Modulated Electroluminescence of Light-Emitting Diodes, CHIN. PHYS. LETT. Vol. 28, No. 10 (2011) 107801.
 Yang Li, Ding Li, CunDa Wang, LieFeng Feng*, Electrical Behaviors of LEDs prepared by Wide-band GaN Material, Advanced Materials Research Vols. 284-286 (2011) pp 2202-2206. SCI收录。
 L.F. Feng*, Y. Li, C.Y. Zhu, H.X. Cong, and C.D. Wang, Negative Terminal Capacitance of Light Emitting Diodes at Alternating Current (AC) Biases, IEEE J. Quantum Electronics, 2010, 46(7): 1072-1075.
 冯列峰*、李杨、李丁、王存达、张国义,半导体激光阈值处电学性质突变对应的物理图象,光电子•激光,2010,21(11):1626-1630.
 冯列峰*、李杨、从红侠、王存达,650 nm波长发光器件的电学特性研究,天津师范大学学报,2010,30(3):67-69.
 C.Y. Zhu, L.F. Feng, C.D. Wang, H.X. Cong, G.Y. Zhang, Z.J. Yang, Z.Z. Chen, Negative capacitance in light-emitting devices, Solid State Electronics, 2009, 53: 324-328.
 冯列峰*、李杨、王军、丛红侠、朱传云、王存达、张国义,发光二极管的低频电容特性,光电子•激光,2009, 20(12):1565-1568.
 L.F. Feng*, C.D. Wang, H.X. Cong, C.Y. Zhu, J. Wang, X.S. Xie, C.Z. Lu, and G.Y. Zhang, Sudden Change of Electrical Characteristics at Lasing Threshold of a Semiconductor Laser, IEEE J. Quantum Electronics, 2007, 43(6): 458-461.
 L.F. Feng*, D. Li, C.Y. Zhu, C.D. Wang, H.X. Cong, X.S. Xie, C.Z. Lu, Simultaneous Sudden Changes of Electrical Behavior at the Threshold in Laser Diodes, J. Appl. Phys., 2007, 102: 063102.
 L.F. Feng*, D. Li, C.Y. Zhu , C.D. Wang , H.X. Cong , G.Y. Zhang , W.M. Du, Deep Saturation of Junction Voltage at Large Forward Current of Light Emitting Diodes, J. Appl. Phys., 2007, 102: 094511.
 C.Y. Zhu, C.D. Wang., L.F. Feng, G..Y. Zhang, L.S. Yu, J. Shen, A Novel Method of Electrical Characterization of a Semiconductor Diode at Forward Bias, Solid State Electronics, 2006, 50(5): 821-825.
 丛红侠、冯列峰、王 军、朱传云、王存达、谢雪松、吕长志,激光二极管正向电特性的精确检测,半导体学报,2006, 27(1): 105-109.
 王军、冯列峰、朱传云、丛红侠、陈永、王存达,发光二极管中负电容现象的实验研究,光电子•激光,2006, 17(1): 1-4.
 Feng Lie-feng*, Zhu Chuan-yun, Chen Yong, Zeng Zhi-bin, and Wang Cun-da, Mechanism of negative capacitance in LEDs, Optoelectronis Letters, 2005, 1(2): 127-130.
 Feng Lie-feng*, Wang Jun, Zhu Chuan-yun, Cong Hong-xia, Chen Yong, and Wang Cun-da, Experimental study of negative capacitance in LEDs, Optoelectronis Letters, 2005, 1(2): 124-126.
 冯列峰*、朱传云、 陈永、曾志斌、王存达,发光二极管中负电容现象的机理,光电子•激光,2006,17(1):5-8.
 陈永、冯列峰、朱传云、王存达, 发光二极管中负电容的测试及判定, 河北工业大学学报,2005,4(34):24-2.


担任化学类、物理类、材料类和工程类国际核心期刊(Chemistry of Materials、Nanoscale、ACS Applied Nano Materials、Applied Physics Letters, IEEE Journal of SelectedTopics in Quantum Electronics,IEEE Transactions onElectron Devices,IEEE Photonics Technology Letters,Journal of Applied Physics, Applied SurfaceScience、Journal of the OpticalSociety of America B、Materials Science andEngineering)和其他刊物 (Optical and Quantum Electronics,Advancedin Condensed Matter Physics,Applied Optics,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,Indian Journal of Physics,光电子激光)的通讯评审员,教育部硕士毕业论文评审员,多次担任国家自然科学基金青年基金项目评审员。




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