2005年08月 - 2009年07月 北京师范大学物理系 获学士学位
2009年08月 - 2014年07月 北京师范大学物理系 获博士学位
2012年01月 - 2012年03月 香港科技大学化学系 研究助理
2018年08月 - 2019年07月 澳大利亚RMIT大学 访问学者
2014年08月 - 2019年07月 天津大学理学院物理系 讲师
2019年08月 - 今 天津大学理学院物理系 副教授
20. Qiongyao Wang, Jing Bai, Luting Xu, Wei Feng, and Xin-Qi Li, Moving and fusion of Majorana zero modes in the presence of nonadiabatic transitions, arXiv.2402.10495 (2024).
19. Jing Bai, Qiongyao Wang, Luting Xu, Wei Feng, and Xin-Qi Li, Probing the non-Abelian fusion of a pair of Majorana zero modes, Phys. Rev. B 109, 085403 (2024).
18. Luting Xu, Jing Bai, Wei Feng, and Xin-Qi Li, Dynamics simulation of braiding two Majorana zero modes via a quantum dot, Phys. Rev. B 108, 115411 (2023).
17. Xin-Qi Li, Wei Feng, Lupei Qin, and Jinshuang Jin, Modified Bogoliubov-de Gennes treatment for Majorana conductances in three-terminal transports, Sci. China Phys. Mech. 65, 237211 (2022).
16. Lupei Qin, Wei Feng, and Xin-Qi Li, Cross correlation mediated by distant Majorana zero modes with no overlap, Chin. Phys. B 31, 017402 (2022).
15. Wei Feng, Lupei Qin, and Xin-Qi Li, Cross correlation mediated by Majorana island with finite charging energy, New J. Phys. 23, 123032 (2021).
14. Jianhua Ren, Lupei Qin, Wei Feng, and Xin-Qi Li, Weak-value-amplification analysis beyond the AAV limit of weak measurements, Phys. Rev. A 102, 042601 (2020).
13. Cheng Zhang, Kai Zhou, Wei Feng, and Xin-Qi Li,Estimation of parameters in circuit QED by continuous quantum measurement, Phys. Rev. A 99, 022114 (2019).
12. Wei Feng, Cheng Zhang, Zhong Wang, Lupei Qin, andXin-Qi Li, Gradual partial-collapse theory for ideal nondemolition measurementsof qubits in circuit QED, Phys. Rev. A 98, 022121 (2018).
11. Xiao-Ke Li, Wei Feng, Quantum trajectory simulation for nonadiabatic molecular dynamics, Acta Phys. Sin. 66, 153101(2017).
10. Wei Feng, Chen Peng, Shuang Li, and Xin-Qi Li, Low-field electron mobility of InSb nanowires: Numerical efforts to larger crosssections, Sci. Rep. 7, 2576 (2017).
9. Lupei Qin, Luting Xu, Wei Feng, and Xin-Qi Li, Qubitstate tomography in a superconducting circuit via weak measurements, New J.Phys. 19, 033036 (2017).
8. Lupei Qin, Wei Feng, and Xin-Qi Li, Simple understanding of quantum weak values, Sci. Rep. 6, 20286 (2016).
7. Wei Feng, Pengfei Liang, Lupei Qin, and Xin-Qi Li,Exact quantum Bayesian rule for qubit measurements in circuit QED, Sci. Rep. 6,20492 (2016).
6. Binbin Xie, Lihong Liu, Ganglong Cui, Wei-Hai Fang,Jun Cao, Wei Feng, and Xin-Qi Li, Ab initio implementation of quantumtrajectory mean-field approach and dynamical simulation of the N2CO photodissociation, J. Chem. Phys. 143, 194107 (2015).
5. Wei Feng, Luting Xu, Xin-Qi Li, Wei-Hai Fang, andYi-Jing Yan, Nonadiabatic molecular dynamics simulation: An approach based onquantum measurement picture, AIP Adv. 4, 077131 (2014).
4. Wei Feng, Luting Xu, Xin-Qi Li, and Wei-Hai Fang,Quantum trajectory approach to molecular dynamics simulation with surface hopping, Commun. Theor. Phys. 60, 303 (2013).
3. Jian-Yu Meng, Pei-Yue Wang, Wei Feng, Guo-JianYang, and Xin-Qi Li, On the scheme of cavity photon elimination inmulti-qubit circuit-quantum electrodynamics system, Acta Phys. Sin. 61, 240305 (2012).
2. Jian-Yu Meng, Pei-Yue Wang, Wei Feng, Guo-JianYang, and Xin-Qi Li, On the schemes of cavity photon elimination in circuit-quantumelectrodynamics systems, Acta Phys. Sin. 61, 180302 (2012).
1. Wei Feng, Peiyue Wang, Xinmei Ding, Luting Xu, andXin-Qi Li, Generating and stabilizing the Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger state incircuit QED: Joint measurement, Zeno effect, and feedback, Phys. Rev. A 83,042313 (2011).