2010.09-2015.07, 清华大学,博士
2017.09- 2018.09, 法兰克福大学, 博士后
2015.08- 2020.06, 天津大学 物理系 讲师
2020.07 - 至今, 天津大学 物理系,副教授
2024.01- 天津大学 物理系, “英才计划”
1) 夸克胶子等离子体的性质,相对论重离子碰撞
1.国家自然科学基金面上项目,“夸克物质中的重夸克偶素”,12175165, 2022.01-2025.12, 60万,负责人。
2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,“相对论重离子碰撞中热密介质对重夸克偶素形成过程的影响”,11705125, 2018.01-2020.12, 27万,负责人。
3. 天津大学自主创新基金, 重离子核物理,2019.01-2020.12, 10万,负责人。
4. 国家自然科学基金理论专项, “相对论重离子碰撞中非平衡效应对重夸克偶素的影响” , 20万,参与人
论文列表如下: (*代表通讯作者)
43. Shuhan Zheng, jiamin Liu, Shiqi Zheng, Jiaxing Zhao, Baoyi Chen*, Charmonia Production in Hot QCD Matter and Electromagnetic Fields, arXiv:2411.12169 [nucl-th]
42. Yunfan Bai, Baoyi Chen*, Probing QGP droplets with charmonium in high-multiplicity proton-proton collisions, Eur. Phys. J. C (2024) 84:1193, arXiv: 2407.10566 [nucl-th]
41. Ke Xu, Baoyi Chen*, A Study of the Neutron Skin of Nuclei with Dileptons in Nuclear Collisions; Symmetry 16, 1195 (2024),
40. Jingjing Wang, Baoyi Chen, Yunpeng Liu*, Finite size effect on gluon dissociation of J/ψ in relativistic heavy ion collisions, Accepted by Chinese Physics Letters, ArXiv: 2405.03583 [nucl-th]
39. Zhiwei liu, Yunfan Bai*, Shiqi Zheng*, Anping Huang*, Baoyi Chen*, Exploring spin polarization of heavy quarks in magnetic fields and hot medium; Phys. Rev. C 110, 034910 (2024), arXiv: 2404.02032
38. Ge Chen, Baoyi Chen, Jiaxing Zhao*, Bottomonium evolution with in-medium heavy quark potential from lattice QCD; Eur.Phys.J.C 84 (2024) 8, 869 , arXiv: 2402.11316
37. Jiaxing Zhao*, Baoyi Chen; J/ψ polarization in relativistic heavy ion collisions; Eur.Phys.J.C 84 (2024) 8, 875, arXiv: 2312.01799 [hep-ph]
36. Rui Guo, Yonghui Li*, Baoyi Chen*, Machine learning approach to analyze heavy quark diffusion coefficient in relativistic heavy-ion collisions; Entropy 2023, 25, 1563. arXiv: 2311.02335 [nucl-th]
35. Shuhan Zheng, Chaoyu Pan, Baoyi Chen*, 《显式与隐式方法求解含时薛定谔方程及误差分析》, published in 《物理与工程》
34. Baoyi Chen*, Meimei Yang*, Ge Chen*, Jiaxing Zhao*, Xiao-hai Liu*; Production of doubly charmed hadron xi_cc++ and Tcc+ in relativistic heavy ion collisions; Phys.Rev.C 109 (2024) 6, 064909, arXiv: 2309.02987 [nucl-th]
33. Baoyi Chen*, Bo Tong; Bottomonium transport in p-Pb and Pb-Pb collisions at the LHC, Phys.Rev.C 108, 014901 (2023), arXiv: 2304.03929
32.Chaoyu Pan, Shuhan Zheng, Meimei Yang, Zhiwei Liu, Baoyi Chen* ; Non-thermal distributions of charm and charmonium in relativistic heavy-ion collisions; Phys.Rev.C 108 (2023) 3, 034903, arXiv: 2303.12262 [nucl-th]
31. Meimei Yang, et al, Jiaxing Zhao*, Wenyuan Ouyang*, Kai Zhou*, Baoyi Chen* ; Bottom energy loss and non-prompt J/ψ production in relativistic heavy ion collisions; Phys.Rev.C 107 (2023) 5, 054917, arXiv: 2302.06179 [nucl-th]
30. Yuan Li, et al, Xiao-Hai Liu*, Baoyi Chen*, Hongwei Ke* ; Searching for doubly charmed tetraquark candidates Tcc and Tccs in Bc decays; Eur.Phys.J.C 83 (2023) 3, 258 , arXiv: 2302.02518 [hep-ph]
29. Shile Chen, et al, Baoyi Chen, et al ; Fourier-flow model generating Feynman paths; Phys.Rev.D 107 (2023) 5, 056001
28. Jiaxing Zhao, Baoyi Chen* ; Charmonium transport in the high muB-medium; Phys. Rev. C 107, 044909 (2023), arXiv: 2210.04661
27. Liuyuan Wen, Baoyi Chen* ; Bottomonium sequential suppression and strong heavy-quark potential in heavy-ion collisions; Phys.Lett.B 839 (2023) 137774
26. Zhuoxuan Xie, Baoyi Chen* ; Open quantum system approach for heavy quark thermalization; Chin. Phys. C 47, no.5, 054101 (2023)
25. Baoyi Chen*, Liuyuan Wen, Yunpeng Liu, Bc formation from random charm and anti-bottom quarks in quark-gluon plasma; Phys. Lett. B 834, 137448 (2022), arXiv: 2111.08490 (WoS检索-2023)
24. Bo Tong, Baoyi Chen* ; Charmonium dissociation at high baryon chemical potential; Phys. Rev. C 106, 034911 (2022), arXiv: 2206.11442
23. Guangyu Li, Baoyi Chen, Yunpeng Liu* ; Relativistic correction to the dissociation temperature of B_c mesons in the hot medium; accepted by Chinese Physics C, arXiv: 2208.06986
22. Chenyu Li, Baoyi Chen* ; Anisotropic flows of charmonium in relativistic heavy-ion collisions; Mathematics 2022, 10(22), 4284. arXiv: 2209.11996
21. Liuyuan Wen, Xiaojian Du, Shuzhe Shi, Baoyi Chen*; Probe the color screening in proton-nucleus collisions with complex potentials; Chin.Phys. C 46, (2022) 114102, arXiv: 2205.07520
20. Jiaxing Zhao , Baoyi Chen*, Pengfei Zhuang, Charmonium triangular flow in high energy nuclear collisions, Phys.Rev.C 105, 034902 (2022)
19.Baoyi Chen*, Liu Jiang*, Xiao-hai Liu*, Yunpeng Liu*, Jiaxing Zhao*, X(3872) Production in Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions, Phys. Rev. C.105.054901 (2022) , arXiv: 2107.00969
18.Baoyi Chen, Liu Jiang, Yunpeng Liu, Hadronic effects on charmonium elliptic flows in heavy-ion collisions, Phys.Rev.C 103 (2021) 6, 064910
17.Zonghou, Baoyi Chen, Yunpeng Liu, Critical temperature of deconfinement in a constrained space using a bag model at vanishing baryon density; Chin.Phys.Lett. 37 (2020) 11, 112501
16.Yunpeng Liu, Baoyi Chen*, Fast heating dissociation of \Upsilon (1S) in heavy ion collisions at RHIC, Chin.Phys.C 44 (2020) 12, 124106 , arXiv: 2007.04548 (被选为期刊封面论文)
15.Baoyi Chen*, Maoxing Hu, Huanyu Zhang, Jiaxing Zhao*, Probe the tilted Quark-Gluon Plasma with charmonium directed flow, Phys.Lett.B 802 (2020) 135271
14.Biaogang Wu, Baoyi Chen, Xingbo Zhao, The effect of strong electric field on the evolution of charmonium in quark gluon plasma, Nucl.Phys.Rev. 36 (2019) 278-288
13.Baoyi Chen*, Thermal production of charmonia in Pb-Pb collisions at 5.02 TeV, Chin.Phys.C 43 (2019) 12, 124101
12.Guansong Li, Kai Zhou, Baoyi Chen*, Effects of nuclear charge fluctuations on dilepton photoproduction, Commun.Theor.Phys. 72 (2020) 2, 025301
11.Wei Shi, Wangmei Zha, Baoyi Chen*, Charmonium Coherent Photoproduction and Hadroproduction with Effects of Quark Gluon Plasma, Phys.Lett.B 777 (2018) 399-405
10.Jiaxing Zhao, Baoyi Chen*, Strong diffusion effect of charm quarks on J /\psiψ production in Pb–Pb collisions at the LHC, Phys.Lett.B 776 (2018) 17-21
9. Baoyi Chen*, Jiaxing Zhao, Bottomonium Continuous Production from Unequilibrium Bottom Quarks in Ultrarelativistic Heavy Ion Collisions, Phys.Lett.B 772 (2017) 819-824
8. Baoyi Chen*, Elliptic flow as a probe for \psi(2S)ψ(2S) production mechanism in relativistic heavy ion collisions, Phys.Rev.C 95 (2017) 034908
7. Baoyi Chen, Tiecheng Guo, Yunpeng Liu, Pengfei Zhuang, Cold and Hot Nuclear Matter Effects on Charmonium Production in p+Pb Collisions at LHC Energy, Phys.Lett.B 765 (2017) 323-327
6. Baoyi Chen*, Effects of quark-gluon plasma and hadron gas on charmonium production at energies available at the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron and the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research, Phys.Rev.C 93 (2016) 044917
5. Baoyi Chen*, Detailed rapidity dependence of J/\psiJ/ψ production at energies available at the Large Hadron Collider; Phys.Rev.C 93 (2016) 054905
4. Ning-bo Chang, Shanshan Cao, Bao-yi Chen, et al, Physics Perspectives of Heavy-Ion Collisions at Very High Energy; Sci.China Phys.Mech.Astron. 59 (2016) 2, 621001
3. Baoyi Chen, Yunpeng Liu, Kai Zhou, Pengfei Zhuang, ψ′ Production and BB Decay in Heavy Ion Collisions at LHC, Phys.Lett.B 726 (2013) 725-728
2. Baoyi Chen, Kai Zhou, Pengfei Zhuang, Mean Field Effect on J/\psiJ/ψ Production in Heavy Ion Collisions; Phys.Rev.C 86 (2012) 034906
1. Yunpeng Liu, Baoyi Chen, Nu Xu, Pengfei Zhuang, Υ Production as a Probe for Early State Dynamics in High Energy Nuclear Collisions at RHIC; Phys.Lett.B 697 (2011) 32-36
2022年,第十三届 天津(市级)优秀本科毕业论文指导老师
2022年,天津大学优秀本科学位论文指导老师, 优秀研究生学位论文指导老师
2018 年, 天津大学 “沈志康”奖教金
2017年, 中德Sino-DAAD 博士后基金
2024级,刘佳敏 (博士)
2024级,马成 (硕士)
2024级,纪祥 (硕士)
毕业研究生: (毕业后去向)
2018级 胡茂鑫, (北京理工大学,攻读博士学位)
2019级,江柳, (山西大学附中老师); 荣获“天津大学2022年度优秀毕业论文”
2020级,仝博, (出版公司工作)
部分 参与科研项目的本科生:
郑纾寒: 贝叶斯方法分析重夸克偶素
2018毕业: 施伟 (美国读博,校优秀毕业论文)
2018毕业:李关松 (中科院读博)
2022毕业:文流渊 (中科大读博,荣获2022年度校优秀本科毕业生);
艾笑安 (参加工作)