王景 副教授 个人主页


2008/09–2014/07 中国科学技术大学,近代物理系, 理论物理, 理学博士
2012/12-2013/11 Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart, Germany, 博士生联合培养
2004/09–2008/07 四川师范大学,物理与电子工程学院 物理学 理学学士

2016/03–2017/02,Institute for Theoretical Solid State Physics, IFW, Dresden, Germany, 访问学者






1.国家自然科学青年科学基金项目 “122类铁基超导体中的序竞争和临界现象”编号为11504360,23万元,执行年限为 2016年1月至 2018年12月,负责人(已结题)。

2.中国博士后科学基金第56批面上资助(一等) “高温超导中序竞争的重整化群研究”编号为2014M560510,8万元,执行年限为 2014年9月至 2017年05月, 负责人(已结题)。

3.中国博士后科学基金第8批特别资助“BaFe2(As1-xPx)2等铁基超导体中的序竞争和相图”编号为2015T80655,15万元,执行年限为 2015年7月至 2017年05月, 负责人(已结题)。

4.中国科学技术大学青年创新基金(一等),“铁基超导体中SDW量子相变的重整化群研究”编号为WK2030040074,15万元,执行年限为 2015年1月至 2016年12月,负责人 (已结题)。


29.  Qiao-Chu Zhang and Jing Wang* (Corresponding Author),         Fermion-fermion interaction driven phase transitions in the rhombohedral trilayer graphene, arXiv: 2406.01877 (2024).

28.  Wen-Hao Bian and Jing Wang* (Corresponding Author),  Critical behavior around the fixed points driven by fermion-fermion interactions and disorders in the nodal-line superconductors, arXiv: 2402.02040,  Eur. Phys. J. Plus 139, 586 (2024) .

27.  Jing Wang* (Corresponding Author),Jie-Qiong Li,  Wen-Hao Bian, Qiao-Chu Zhang, and Xiao-Yue Ren, Critical fates induced by interaction competition in the three-dimensional tilted Dirac semimetals, arXiv: 2307.13436 (2023).

26.  Yi-Sheng Fu and Jing Wang* (Corresponding Author) , Favorable phase transitions induced by spinful electron-electron interactions in two-dimensional semimetal with a quadratic band crossing point, arXiv: 2305.00648 (2023).

25. Jing Wang* (Co-Corresponding Author) and Ipsita Mandal (Co-Corresponding Author) , Anatomy of plasmons in generic Luttinger semimetals, arXiv: 2303.10163, Eur. Phys. J. B 96, 132 (2023). 

24. Wen-Hao Bian, Xiao-Zhuo Chu, and Jing Wang* (Corresponding Author),  Effects of the interplay between fermionic interactions and disorders in the nodal-line superconductors, arXiv: 2212.02356 (2022) , Eur. Phys. J. Plus 138, 607 (2023).

23. Xiao-Yue Ren, Ya-Hui Zhai, and Jing Wang(Corresponding Author),  Quantum criticality of fermion velocities and critical temperature  nearby a putative quantum phase transition in the $d$-wave superconductors, arXiv: 2109.09321 (2021), Nuclear Physics B  975,115651 (2022).

22.  Ya-Hui Zhai and Jing Wang* (Corresponding Author)Fermion-fermion interaction driven instability and criticality of quadratic band crossing systems on the kagome lattices, arXiv: 2010.10963v1;Nuclear Physics B  966,115371 (2021). 

21. Jing WangIncommensurate magnetic states induced by ordering competition in Ba1−xNaxFe2As2, arXiv: 2007.14981v1 (2020), Supercond. Sci. Technol. 35, 125006 (2022)  . 

20. Jing WangTopological superconducting transition driven by time-reversal-symmetry breaking, arXiv: 2103.07049;  Nuclear Physics B 961,115230 (2020). 

19. Yao-Ming Dong, Ya-Hui Zhai, Dong-Xing Zheng, and Jing Wang* (Corresponding Author), Stability of two-dimensional asymmetric materials with a quadratic band crossing point under four-fermion interaction and impurity scattering,   arXiv: 2003.06776 ; Phys. Rev. B 102, 134204 (2020). 

18. Ya-Hui Zhai and Jing Wang* (Corresponding Author), Effects of fermion-fermion interactions and impurity scatterings on fermionic velocities in the line-nodal superconductors, arXiv: ......;  Eur. Phys. J. B 93, 86  (2020). 

17. Jie-Qiong Li, Dong-Xing Zheng, and Jing Wang* (Corresponding Author), Singular low-energy states of tilted Dirac semimetals induced by the fermion-fermion interactions, arXiv: 1907.13341;  Eur. Phys. J. B  92, 274  (2019). 

16. Jing Wang, Instability caused by the fermion-fermion interactions combined with rotational and particle-hole asymmetries in three-dimensional materials with quadratic band touching,  arXiv: 1906.01412,  Eur. Phys. J. B  92, 102 (2019).

15. Yao-Ming Dong, Dong-Xing Zheng, and Jing Wang* (Corresponding Author), Cooper instability generated by attractive fermion-fermion interaction in the two-dimensional semi-Dirac semimetals, arXiv: 1806.03410;  J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 31, 275601 (2019).

14. Jing Wang, Role of four-fermion interaction and impurity in the states of two-dimensional semi-Dirac materials, arXiv: 1803.05079; J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 30, 125401 (2018) .

13. Jing Wang, Carmine Ortix, J. van den Brink, and D. V. Efremov, Fate of interaction-driven topological insulators under disorder, arXiv: :1710.09632v1; Phys. Rev. B 96, 201104(R) (2017) (Rapid Communication).

12. Jing Wang, Guo-Zhu Liu, D. V. Efremov, and J. van den Brink, Order parameter fluctuation and ordering competition in the Ba1−xKxFe2As2, arXiv:1608.07935, Phys. Rev. B 95,024511 (2017).

11.Jing Wang, Peng-Lu Zhao, Jing-Rong Wang, and Guo-Zhu Liu, Superconductivity in two-dimensional disordered Dirac semimetals, arXiv: 1604.01548, Phys. Rev. B 95,054507 (2017).

10. Jing Wang and Guo-Zhu Liu, Impact of ordering competition on the global phase diagram of iron pnictides, arXiv: 1511.06517, Phys. Rev. B 92, 184510 (2015).

9. Jing Wang, Two-loop disorder effects on the nematic quantum criticality in d-wave superconductors, arXiv: 1505.06533, Phys. Lett. A 379 , 1917 (2015) .

8. Jing Wang and Guo-Zhu Liu, Renormalization group analysis of the competition between distinct order parameters, arXiv: 1412.6252, Phys. Rev. D 90, 125015 (2014).

7. Jing Wang, Andreas Eberlein, and Walter Metzner, Competing order in correlated electron systems made simple: Consistent fusion of functional renormalization and mean-field theory,  arXiv: 1312.0870, Phys. Rev. B 89, 121116(R) (2014) (Rapid Communication).

6. Jing Wang and Guo-Zhu Liu, Competition between nematic and superconducting orders in high-temperature superconductors, arXiv: 1205.6164, New J. Phys. 15, 073039 (2013).

5. Jing Wang, Velocity renormalization of nodal quasiparticles in d-wave superconductors, arXiv: 1302. 6137, Phys. Rev. B 87, 054511 (2013).

4. Jing Wang and Guo-Zhu Liu, Unconventional behavior of Dirac fermions in two-dimensional gauge theory, arXiv: 1202. 3109, Phys. Rev. D 85, 105010 (2012).

3. Jing Wang, Guo-Zhu Liu, and Hagen Kleinert, Disorder effects at a nematic quantum critical point in d-wave cuprate superconductor, arXiv: 1101. 1551, Phys. Rev. B 83, 214503 (2011).

2. Jing Wang, Jing-Rong Wang, Wei Li, and Guo-Zhu Liu, Confinement induced by fermion damping in three-dimensional QED, arXiv: 1008.0736, Phys. Rev. D 82, 067701 (2010).

1. Guo-Zhu Liu, Jing-Rong Wang and Jing Wang, Suppression of superconductivity at nematic critical point in underdoped cuprates, arXiv: 1111.1686, Phys. Rev. B 85, 174525 (2012)



*Reports on Progress in Physics 审稿人
*New Journal of Physics 审稿人
*Quantum Science and Technology审稿人
*Europhysics Letters 审稿人
*Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 审稿人
*Nanotechnology 审稿人
*Physica Scripta 审稿人
*Chinese Physics B 审稿人 
*Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 审稿人 


  • 天津大学2021年度“沈志康奖教金(教学科研类)”(2021年) 
  • 天津大学2019年青年教师讲课大赛二等奖 (2019年)
  • 中国科学院院长奖优秀奖 (2014年)
  • 博士研究生国家奖学金 (2013年)
  • 中国科学院2012年度中欧联合培养博士生项目奖学金 (2012年)
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  • 秦德辰,2018级,2022年7月获理学学士学位,现为北京工业大学研究生
  • 李洁琼,2018级;2021年7月获理学硕士学位,现为北京师范大学天津生态城附属学校(初中部)教师。
  • 翟亚辉,2018级;2021年7月获理学硕士学位,硕士论文获“天津大学2021年校级优秀硕士学位论文”,现为河北省邯郸市邯郸冀南新区育华实验学校(高中部)教师。
  • 史焱鑫,2017级,2021年7月获理学学士学位,现工作于成都市
  • 王文泽,2017级,2021年7月获理学学士学位,现为南京大学研究生
  • 董耀明,2017级;2020年7月获得理学硕士学位,现为天津海运职业学院教师。


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