2008.09-2012.06 浙江海洋学院物理学系 学士
2012.09-2017.01 北京师范大学物理学系 博士
2015.10-2016.04 香港科技大学 访问学者
量子物理 量子测量 反馈控制
7. Wei Feng, Cheng Zhang, Zhong Wang, Lupei Qin, and Xin-Qi Li, Gradual partial-collapse theory for ideal nondemolition measurements of qubits in circuit QED, arXiv (2017).
6. Lupei Qin, Zhong Wang, Cheng Zhang, Xin-Qi Li.Direct measurement of the quantum state of photons in a cavity.. arXiv:1706.07150 (2017)
5. Lupei Qin, Luting Xu, Wei Feng, Xinqi Li. Qubit state tomography in superconducting circuit via weak measurements. New Journal of Physics. 19, 033036(2017).
4. Lupei Qin, Wei Feng, Xinqi Li. Simple understanding of quantum weak values. Scientific Reports,15, 20286 (2016).
3. Wei Feng, Pengfei Liang, Lupei Qin, Xinqi Li. Exact quantum Bayesian rule for qubit measuremens in circuit QED. Scientific Reports, 6, 20492 (2016).
2. Lupei Qin, Pengfei Liang, Xinqi Li. Weak values in continuous weak measurements of qubits. Phys. Rev. A, 92, 012119 (2015).
1. Peiyue Wang, Lupei Qin, Xinqi Li. Quantum Bayesian rule for weak measurements of qubits in superconducting circuit QED. New Journal of Physics, 16, 123047(2014)