刘昌龙 教授


2003.07—至今    天津大学理学院工作,教授,博导;
2001.07—2003.06  法国国家科研中心离子束辐照应用中心及欧洲ST微电子公司下属高功率器件实验,博士后及访问学者;
2000.11-2001.06   中科院近代物理所工作,副研究员;
1999.11—2000.10  英国University of Surrey,博士后;
1995.09—1999.06  中科院近代物理研究攻读博士研究生,获理学博士学位;
1993.07—1995.08  中科院近代物理研究所工作,助研;
1990.09—1993.06  中科院近代物理研究攻读硕士研究生,获理学硕士学位;
1989.08—1990.08  中科院近代物理研究攻工作,研究实习员;
1985.09—1989.06  南京大学物理系磁学专业学习,获理学学士学位





2.国家自然科学基金项目-面上项目:“金属离子注入绝缘体纳米颗粒合成、尺寸控制及机理研究”, 项目批准号:11675120,起止日期:2017.01-2020.12, 直接项目经费:70万元。


1. Xiaohu Wang, Haitao Dai, Xiaoyu Mu, Changlong Liu, Formation of TiO2 nanorods by Zn and Ti ion sequential implantation with enhanced visible optical absorption properties, Materials Letters, 174, (2016) 17–20.
2.Guangyi Jia, Haitao Dai, Xiaoyu Mu, Chungang Guo, and Changlong Liu, Implantation-synthesized Cu/Cu–Zn core/shell nanoparticles in SiO2 and their optical properties, Optical Materials Express, 5, (2015) 1156-1167.
3.Jun Wang, Guangyi Jia, Xiaoyu Mu and Changlong Liu, Quasi-two-dimensional Ag nanoparticle formation in silica by Xe ion irradiation and subsequent Ag ion implantation. Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, (2013) 133102.
4.Jun Wang, Guangyi Jia, Bei Zhang, Huixian Liu and Changlong Liu, Formation and optical absorption property of nanometer metallic colloids in Zn and Ag dually implanted silica: Synthesis of the modified Ag nanoparticles, J. Appl. Phys. 113, 034304 (2013).
5.Guangyi Jia, Rong Xu, Xiaoyu Mu, and Changlong Liu, Zn Ion Post-Implantation-Driven Synthesis of CuZn Alloy Nanoparticles in Cu-Preimplanted Silica and Their Thermal Evolution, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2013, 5 (24), pp 13055–13062.
6. Y.Y. Shen, X.D. Zhang, D.C. Zhang, Y.H. Xue, L.H. Zhang, C.L. Liu*, Towards uniform ZnO nanoparticles embedded in SiO2 by post Xe irradiation, Materials Letters, 65 (2011) 2966-2968.
7. Y.Y. Shen, X.D. Zhang, D.C. Zhang, L.H. Zhang, C.L. Liu*, (101)-oriented ZnO nanoparticles fabricated in Si (100) by Zn ion implantation and thermal oxidation, Materials Letters, 65 (2011) 3323-3326.
8. C.L. Liu*, M.K. Li, Z. Wang, Y.J. Gao, J.Q. Liao, D.C. Zhang, X.L. Zhang, Y.Y. Shen, Correlation between surface damage and micro-defects in Si covered with insulating layer by implantation of He and H ions, Thin Solid Films, 519 (2011) 3162-3168.
9. X.D. Zhang, J.F. Xi, Y.Y. Shen, L.H. Zhang, F. Zhu, Z. Wang, Y.H. Xue, C.L. Liu*, Thermal evolution and optical properties of Cu nanoparticles in SiO2 by ion implantation. Optical Materials, 33(3) (2011) 570-575.
10. Yanyan Shen, Weiyan He, Dacheng Zhang, Xiaodong Zhang, Yanhong Xue, Changlong Liu*, Creation of nanoparticles and luminescence in Al2O3 crystal by Zn ion implantation, Journal of Luminescence, 131 (2011) 2725-2729.
11. Y.H. Xue, X.D. Zhang, X.L. Zhang, Y.Y. Shen, F. Zhu, L.H. Zhang, J. Wang, C.L. Liu*, Room temperature magnetic properties of Fe and C implanted ZnO films, Appl. Surf. Sci., 257 (2011) 10329-10332.
12. X.D. Zhang, M.L. Guo, Y.Y. Shen, C.L. Liu*, Y.H. Xue, F. Zhu, L.H. Zhang, Electronic Structure and Optical Transition in Heavy Metal Doped ZnO by First-Principles Calculations, Computational Materials Science, 54 (2012) 75–80.
13.Yanyan Shen, Lili Zhang, Zhaodong Li, Xiaodong Zhang, Dacheng Zhang, Xu Li, Zhuo Wang, BingYuan, Mengkai Li, Changlong Liu*, Fabrication and Evolution of Cu Nanoparticles in Al2O3 Crystal by Ion Implantation and Annealing at Different Atmospheres, Appl. Surf. Sci., 256 (2010)3767-3771.
14. Yanyan Shen, Zhaodong Li , Xiaodong Zhang, Dacheng Zhang, Weiyan He, Yanhong Xue, Yujie Gao, Xiaoli Zhang, Zhuo Wang, Changlong Liu*, Atmosphere effects on the formation and evolution of Zn and ZnO nanopaticles in Zn ion implanted SiO2 Optical Materials 32 (2010) 961-965.
15. Mengkai, Li, Zhuo Wang, Changlong Liu*, et al, Two layer surface exfoliation on Si3N4/Si by sequential implantation of He and H ions, Journal of Electronic Materials, 38 (2009) 1990-1994.
16. X.D.Zhang, C.L. Liu*, M.L.Guo, et al, Structure and optical properties of Cu nanoparticles embedded in Si3N4/Si by ion implantation, Optical Materials, 30 (2008) 1382-1386.
17. C.L. Liu*, Z.Wang, L.J. Yin, Y.Y. Lü, D. Alquier, Influence of a top Si3N4 layer on cavity formation and helium desorption in silicon, Radiation Measurements, 43 (2008) S583–S587.
18. Zhuo Wang, Changlong Liu*, Tianyu Liu, Xiaodong Zhang, Wenrun Li, Wenxia Li, Bing Yuan, Pei Wu, Mengkai Li, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B 266 ( 2008) 250-255.
19. X.D. Zhang, M.L. Guo, C.L. Liu, et al, Electronic and optical properties of Ti(1-x)Cd(x)O(2): A first-principles prediction, Appl. Phys. Lett., 93 (2008) 021103. 
20.Xiaodong Zhang, Changlong Liu*, Zhuo Wang, et al, Photoluminescence and electrical properties of N-implanted ZnO films, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B 254 ( 2007) 83-87.





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