吴萍 教授 个人主页

《大学物理》(英文版) 、《实验物理》、《专门用途外语》、《材料分析原理与技术》、《现代物理学与高新技术讲座》
天津市津南区雅观路135号 天津大学北洋园校区32楼236室

1985.9-1990.6 清华大学材料系材料科学专业  本科
1992.9-1994.6 清华大学材料系材料物理专业  硕士
1994.9-1997.6 天津大学理学院应用物理学系  博士
1997.6-2003.6 天津大学理学院应用物理学系  副教授
2003.6至今  天津大学理学院应用物理学系  教授
1999.9-2000.9 美国波士顿东北大学工学院   博士后访问学者
2005.1-2005.6 澳大利亚悉尼大学       访问学者
2017.8-2017.9 日本物质材料研究机构(NIMS) 访问学者





国家自然科学基金 51572190



1. Xuezheng Li, Yong Ma, Wei Zhou, Ping Wu*, Ab initio investigation on structural, elastic and electronic properties of η phase Cu4.5Ni1Au0.5Sn5 and Cu5Ni1Sn4.5In0.5 intermetallic compounds, Journal of Electronic Materials, 46(10) (2017) 5684-5692.
2. Lu, Ping, Zhou, Wei, Li, Ying, Wang, Jianchun, Wu, Ping*, CuO nanosheets/ZnO nanorods synthesized by a template-free hydrothermal approach with optical and magnetic characteristics, Ceramics International, 43(2017) 9798-9805.
3. Yilin Lu, S. J. Dong, B. Z. Zhou, L. L. Sun, H. Zhao, P. Wu*, Tailoring electronic structure of α-AlH3 to enhance spin polarization: Insights from density functional calculations, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 108(2017) 9-14.
4. Ying Li, Wei Zhou, Jianchun Wang, Yuzhe Yang, Ping Wu*, Correlated room temperature ferromagnetism and photoluminescence in Ni-doped SnO flower-like architecture synthesized via hydrothermal method, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 199 (2017)216-224.
5. Yong Ma, Xuezheng Li, Lizhuang Yang, Wei Zhou, Mingxia Wang, Wenbo Zhu, Ping Wu*, Effects of graphene nanosheets addition on microstructure and mechanical properties of SnBi solder alloys during solid-state aging, Materials Science and Engineering A, 696 (2017) 437-444.
6. Yilin Lu, S. J. Dong, B. Z. Zhou, H. Zhao, P. Wu*, First-principles prediction of magnetic salt: Light non-metallic elements (B, C, N, and O)-doped NaCl bulk and (001) surface, Computational Materials Science, 132 (2017)10-18.
7. Yanyu Liu, Wei Zhou, Ping Wu*, Tuning Electronic Structure and Optical Properties of SrTiO3 by Site-specific Nb doping with N/B from hybrid functional calculations, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 195 (2017)170-175.
8. Yanyu Liu, Wei Zhou, Ping Wu*, Electronic Structure and Optical Properties of Ta-doped and (Ta, N)-Codoped SrTiO3 from hybrid functional calculations, Journal of Applied Physics, 121(7) (2017) 075102.
9. Yali Tian, Wei Zhou, P. Wu*, First-principles study of structural, elastic and thermodynamic properties of Ni-Sn-P intermetallics, Journal of Materials Research, 32(3) (2017) 512-521.
10. Yali Tian, Wei Zhou, P. Wu*, First-principles study of Cu and Au substitution into Ni3Sn2 intermetallic compounds, Journal of Electronic Materials, 46(1) (2017) 616-626.
11. Xuezheng Li, Wei Zhou, Lizhuang Yang, Yong Ma, Ping Wu*,Effects of nanoscale Cu6Sn5 particles addition on microstructure and properties of SnBi solder alloys, Materials Science and Engineering A, 684 (2017)328-334.
12. Ping Lu, Ping Wu*,Abnormal room temperature ferromagnetism in CuO/ZnO nanocomposites via hydrothermal method, Applied Surface Science, 399 (2017)396-402.
13. Lili Sun, Wei Zhou, Yanyu Liu, Dandan Yu, Yinghua Liang, P. Wu*, Theoretical perspective on the electronic and optical properties of Zn-doped monolayer SnS2, Applied Surface Science, 126 (2017)52-58. DOI
14. Yanyu Liu, Wei Zhou, Lili Sun, Ping Wu, The electronic structure and optical properties of donor-acceptor codoped TiO2 nanosheets from hybrid functional calculations, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 186 (2017)333-340.
15. Yong Ma, Xuezheng Li, Wei Zhou, Lizhuang Yang, Ping Wu*, Reinforcement of graphene nanosheets on the microstructure and properties of Sn58Bi lead-free solder, Materials and Design, 113 (2017)264-272.
16. Lili Sun, Wei Zhou, Yanyu Liu, Yilin Lu, Yinghua Liang, P. Wu*, A first-principles study on the origin of magnetism induced by intrinsic defects in monolayer SnS2, Computational Materials Science, 126 (2017)52-58.

1. Na Wang, Ping Wu, Lili Sun, Wei Zhou, Ferromagnetic spin-order in Mg-doped SnS2 nano flowers prepared by hydrothermal method, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 92(2016) 1-6
2. Yilin Lu, S. J. Dong, B. Z. Zhou, H. Zhao, P. Wu*, First-principles and molecular dynamics studies on structural, electronic, and magnetic characteristics of (CaC)(1)/(SiC)(1) and (KC)(1)/(SiC)(1) in wurtzite structure, Physica Status Solidi B, 253 (2016) 1734-1742
3. Lili Sun, Wei Zhou, Yanyu Liu, Dandan Yu, Yinghua Liang, P. Wu*, Theoretical perspective on the electronic and optical properties of Zn-doped monolayer SnS2, Applied Surface Science, 389 (2016) 484-490.
4. Lizhuang Yang, Wei Zhou, Xuezheng Li, Yong Ma, Yinghua Liang, Wenquan Cui, Ping Wu*, Effect of Ni and Ni-coated Carbon Nanotubes on the interfacial reaction and growth behavior of Sn58Bi/Cu intermetallic compound layers, Journal of Materials Science: materials in electronics, 27 (2016) 12264-12270.
5. Yilin Lu, S. J. Dong, B. Z. Zhou, H. Zhao, P. Wu*, Nonmagnetic 2p-block elements (B, C, N, and O)-doped AgCl for potential halide spintronic applications: A first-principles perspective, Physics Letters A, 380 (2016) 2968-2973.
6. Yali Tian, Wei Zhou, P. Wu*, Effect of Ni and Pd addition on the mechanical, thermodynamic and electronic properties of the AuSn4-based intermetallics: A density functional investigation, Journal of Electronic Materials, 45(8) (2016) 4138-4147.
7. Ying Li, Wei Zhou, Yuzhe Yang, Ping Wu*, Fabrication, characterization and physical properties of Co-doped SnO particles via hydrothermal method,Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 685 (2016) 448-453.
8. Lizhuang Yang, Wei Zhou, Yong Ma, Xuezheng Li Yinghua Liang, Wenquan Cui, Ping Wu*, Effects of Ni addition on mechanical properties of Sn58Bi solder alloy during solid-State aging, Materials Science and Engineering A, 667 (2016)368-375.
9. Yanyu Liu, W. Zhou, Dandan Yu, Lili Sun, Yinghua Liang, P. Wu*,Insight into the electronic and magnetic properties of TiO2 (101) surfaces with adsorbed water and ethanol molecules, Computational Materials Science, 121 (2016) 174-181.
10. Lili Sun, Wei Zhou, Yinghua Liang, Li Liu, P. Wu*, Magnetic properties in Fe-doped SnS2: Density function calculations, Computational Materials Science, 117 (2016) 489-495.
11. D. L. Ma, P. Wu*, Improved microstructure and mechanical properties for Sn58Bi0.7Zn solder joint by addition of graphene nanosheets, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 671 (2016) 127-136.
12. Lili Sun, Wei Zhou, Yinghua Liang, Wenquan Cui, P. Wu*, Electronic structure and optical properties of Fe-doped SnS2 from first-principle calculations, RSC Advances, 6 (2016) 3480-3486.
13. Yali Tian, Wei Zhou, P. Wu*, A density functional investigation of the structural, elastic and thermodynamic properties of the Au-Sn intermetallics, Journal of Electronic Materials, 45(1) (2016) 639-647.
14. Dandan Yu, Wei Zhou, Yanyu Liu, and Ping Wu,Magnetic and optical properties of Al-doped anatase TiO2 (101) surface from density functional theory, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 404 (2016) 7-13.
15. D. L. Ma, P. Wu*, Effects of coupled stressing and solid-state aging on the mechanical properties of graphene nanosheets reinforced Sn‒58Bi‒0.7Zn solder joint, Materials Science and Engineering A, 651 (2016) 499-506.
16. Yuzhe Yang, Wei Zhou, Yinghua Liang, Wenquan Cui, P. Wu*, Strain sensitivity in ferromagnetism and band gap of epitaxial Sn0.94K0.06O2 thin films, Vaccum, 123 (2016) 62-68.

1. Yuzhe Yang, Wei Zhou, Yinghua Liang, Li Liu, P. Wu*, Tuning band gap and ferromagnetism in epitaxial Al-doped SnO2 films by defect engineering,Journal of Crystal Growth, 430 (2015) 75-79.
2. Yanyu Liu, W. Zhou, P. Wu*,Unexpected ferromagnetism in n-type polycrystalline K-doped ZnO films prepared by RF-magnetron sputtering, Journal of Materials Science: materials in electronics, 26(11) (2015) 8451-8455.
3. Shanxing Chen, Wei Zhou, P. Wu*, Effect of Zn additions on the mechanical properties of Cu6Sn5-based IMCs: Theoretical and experimental investigations, Journal of Electronic Materials, 44(10) (2015) 3920-3926.
4. Na Wang, W, Zhou, Yinghua Liang, Wenquan Cui, P. Wu*, Oxygen vacancy-mediated room temperature ferromagnetism in Sr-doped SnO2 nanoparticles, Journal of Materials Science: materials in electronics, 26(10) (2015) 7751-7756.
5. D. L. Ma, P. Wu*, Effects of coupled stressing and solid-state aging on the mechanical properties of Sn-58Bi-0.7Zn solder joint, Journal of Materials Science: materials in electronics, 26(8) (2015) 6285-6292.
6. Lizhuang Yang, Wei Zhou, Yinghua Liang, Wenquan Cui, Ping Wu*, Improved microstructure and mechanical properties for Sn58Bi solder alloy by addition of Ni-coated Carbon Nanotubes, Materials Science and Engineering A, 642 (2015) 7-15.
7. Dandan Yu, W. Zhou, P. Wu*, Density functional theory study of the structural, electronic and optical properties of C-doped anatase TiO2 (101) surface, Physics Letter A, 379 (2015) 1666-1670.
8. Yanyu Liu, W. Zhou, Y. H. Liang, W. Q. Cui, P. Wu*, Tailoring Band Structure of TiO2 to Enhance Photoelectrochemical Activity by Codoping S and Mg, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119 (21) (2015) 11557-11562.
9. Yanyu Liu, W. Zhou, P. Wu*, Tuning of magnetism of SrTiO3 by site-specific doping, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 160 (2015) 80-86.
10. Na Wang, B. Z. Zhou, W, Zhou, P. Wu, Ferromagnetic spin-order in SnO2 nanoparticles with nonmagnetic Li doping, Journal of Materials Science: materials in electronics, 26(6) (2015) 4132-4137.
11. Ma D L, Wu P*. Effects of Zn addition on the mechanical properties of eutectic Sn-58Bi solder during liquid-state aging, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 25 (2015) 1225-1233.
12. Yilin Lu, S. J. Dong, B. Z. Zhou, H. Zhao, P. Wu*, Correlation-induced metal-insulator transitions in d0 magnetic superlattices based on alkaline-earth monoxides: Insights from ab initio calculations, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 384 (2015) 33-38.
13. D. L. Ma, P. Wu*, Effects of Zn concentration on the aging reactions and IMC massive spalling phenomenon in the Sn-58Bi-xZn/Cu system, Journal of Materials Science: materials in electronics, 26(3) (2015) 1338-1346.

1. B. Z. Zhou, S. J. Dong, Jianchun Wang, H. Zhao, P. Wu*, Effects of electronic modification and structural distortion on ferromagnetism in sputtered CeO2 films with isovalent Sn4+ doping, RSC Advances, 4 (2014) 63228
2. B. Z. Zhou, S. J. Dong, Jianchun Wang, H. Zhao, P. Wu*, Effects of enhanced electronic correlation on magnetic properties of light non-metallic element (B, C, N, and O)-doped CuCl: A First-principles study, Physics Letters A, 378 (2014) 3001.
3. JianChun Wang, W. Zhou, P. Wu*, Correlated room temperature ferromagnetism and photoluminescence in Al-doped SnO2 nanoparticles, Journal of nanoparticle research, 16 (8) (2014) 2573
4. JianChun Wang, Wei Zhou, P. Wu*, Band gap widening and d0 ferromagnetism in epitaxial Li-doped SnO2 films, Applied Surface Science, 314 (2014) 188-192.
5. Yanyu Liu, W. Zhou, P. Wu*, Ferromagnetism Induced by the Charge Transfer in Al-Doped ZnO Nanoparticles, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 615 (2014) 401-405.
6. Shanxing Chen, Wei Zhou, P. Wu*,The structural, elastic, electronic and thermodynamic properties of hexagonal Cu6-xNixSn5 (x=0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2) intermetallic compounds,Intermetallics, 54 (2014) 187-192
7. B. Z. Zhou, S. J. Dong, H. Zhao, P. Wu, Half-metallicity and magnetic stability of sp-electron superlattices in rock-salt structure: A first-principles study, Solid State Communications, 192 (2014) 64-70.
8. B. Z. Zhou, S. J. Dong, H. Zhao, Y. Y. Liu, P. Wu*, First-principles study of sp-electron half-metallic superlattices in wurtzite structure, Physica status solidi B, 5 (2014) 1076-1082.
9. B. Z. Zhou, W. Zhou, P. Wu, Ferromagnetic ordering and metallic-like conductivity in sputtered SnNx films, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 604 (2014) 106-111.
10. X. Z. Sa, W. Zhou, P. Wu, Electromigration in Cu-cored Sn-3.5Ag-0.7Cu solder interconnects under current stressing, Journal of Electronic Materials, 43(4) (2014) 1144-1149.
11. Yanyu Liu, W. Zhou, P. Wu*, Room-temperature Ferromagnetism and Optical Properties in Mg-doped TiO2: a density functional theory investigation,Journal of Applied Physics, 115 (2014) 123913.
12. B. Z. Zhou, S. J. Dong, H. Zhao, Y. Y. Liu, P. Wu*, Ferromagnetic spin-order in p-type N-doped SnO2 films prepared by thermal oxidation of SnNx, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 362 (2014) 14-19.
13. Y. B. Huang, W. Zhou, P. Wu*, Room-temperature ferromagnetism in epitaxial p-type K-doped ZnO films, Solid State Communications, 183 (2014) 31-34.
14. B. Z. Zhou, W. Zhou, P. Wu, Effects of vacancy and lattice distortion on ferromagnetism in sputtered epitaxial Sn1-xKxO2 films, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 355 (2014) 230-234.
15. Z. B. Yang, W. Zhou, P. Wu*, Effects of Ni-coated carbon nanotubes addition on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Sn-Ag-Cu solder alloys, Materials Science and Engineering A, 590 (2014) 295-300.
16. W. K. Mu, W. Zhou, B. L. Li, P. Wu, Janus-faced Cu-core periphery formation and Bi phase redistribution under current stressing in Cu-cored Sn58Bi solder joints, Journal of Alloys and Compounds,584 (2014) 483-486.
17. Z. B. Yang, W. Zhou, P. Wu*, Effects of Ni-Coated Carbon Nanotubes addition on the electromigration of Sn-Ag-Cu solder joints, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 581 (2013) 202-205.
18. X. Z. Sa, P. Wu, Microstructure evolution in Cu-cored Sn solder joints under high temperature and high current density, Journal of Electronic Materials, 42(8) (2013) 2641-2647.
19. S, Li, P. Wu*, Prediction of solidification behavior of gas-atomized Sn-5mass% Pb droplets, Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures, 9 (4) (2013) 514-523.

1. B. Z. Zhou, P. Wu, W. Zhou, Tunable band-gap and ferromagnetism in sputtered epitaxial Sn1-xMgxO2 thin films, Applied Physics Letters, 101 (2012) 182406.
2. W. K. Mu, W. Zhou, P. Wu, Abnormal Accumulation and Rotation of Sn in Cu-cored Sn Solder Joints under Electromigration, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 136 (2012) 985-989.
3. J. B. Liu, W. Zhou, L. J. Liu, P. Wu*, Cu5Zn8 growth reversion in Cu/Sn-8Zn-3Bi/Cu during discontinuous electromigration, Journal of Electronic Materials, 41 (8) (2012) 2045-2050.
4. S. Li, J. Zhang, P. Wu*, Analysis for free dendritic growth model applicable to non-dilute alloys, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 43 (2012) 3748-3754.
5. P. Wu, B. Z. Zhou, W. Zhou, Room-temperature ferromagnetism in epitaxial Mg-doped SnO2 thin films, Applied Physics Letters, 100 (2012) 182405.
6. J. F. Guo, W. Zhou, P. F. Xing, P. Q. Yu, Q. G. Song and P. Wu*, Structural, magnetic and optical properties of vanadium doped zinc oxide: systematic first-principles investigations, Solid State Communications, 152 (11) (2012) 924-928.
7. L. J. Liu, W. Zhou, W. K. Mu and P. Wu*, Interfacial reactions of Sn-3.5Ag-xZn solders and Cu substrates during liquid state aging, Journal of Electronic Materials, 40 (2011) 306-314.
8. W. Zhou, P. F. Xing and P. Wu*, Ferromagnetism in nitrogen-doped cubic ZrO2: Density-functional investigations, Scripta Materialia, 63 (2010) 776-779.
9. W. Zhou, L. J. Liu, B. L. Li and P. Wu*, Fast Mass migration in Sn-Bi deposits enhanced by electric current, Thin Solid Film, 518 (2010) 5875-5880.
10. L. J. Liu, W. Zhou, B. L. Li and P. Wu*, Interfacial Reactions between Sn-8Zn-3Bi-xNi lead-free and Cu substrate during isothermal aging, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 123 (2010) 629-633.
11. W. Zhou, L. J. Liu and P. Wu*, Structural, electronic and thermo-elastic properties of Cu6Sn5 and Cu5Zn8 intermetallic compounds: first-principles investigation, Intermetallics, 18 (2010) 922-928.
12. S. Li, J. Zhang, P. Wu*, Numerical solution and comparison to experiment of solute drag models for binary alloy solidification with a planar phase interface, Scripta Materialia, 62 (2010) 716-719.
13. S. Li, J. Zhang, P. Wu*, A comparative study on migration of a planar interface during solidification of non-dilute alloys, Journal of Crystal Growth, 312 (2010) 982-988.
14. L. J. Liu, W. Zhou, B. L. Li and P. Wu*, Electromigration behavior in Cu/Sn-8Zn-3Bi/Cu solder joint, Microelectronics Reliability, 50 (2010) 251-257
15. W. Zhou, L. J. Liu, B. L. Li, P. Wu* and Q G. Song, Structural, elastic and electronic properties of intermetallics in the Pt-Sn system: a density functional investigation, Computational Materials Science, 46 (2009) 921-931.
16. W. Zhou, L. J. Liu, P. Wu*, First-principles study of structural, thermodynamic, elastic and magnetic properties of Cr2GeC under pressure and temperature, Journal of Applied Physics, 106 (3) (2009) 033501.
17. W. Zhou, L. J. Liu, P. Wu*, Nonmagnetic impurities induced magnetism in SnO2, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 321(2009) 3356-3359.
18. S. Li, J. Zhang, P. Wu*, Numerical test of generalized marginal stability theory for a planar interface during directional solidification, Scripta Materialia, 61 (2009) 485-488.
19. W. Zhou, L. J. Liu, B. L. Li, P. Wu*, Effect of intermetallics on electromigration and atomic diffusion in Cu/SnAg3.0Cu0.5/Cu joints: experimental and first principles study, Journal of Electronic Materials, 38(6) (2009) 866-872.
20. L. J. Liu, W. Zhou, B. L. Li and P. Wu*, Interfacial Reactions between Sn-8Zn-3Bi-xAg lead-free solders and Cu Substrate, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 482 (2009) 90-98.
21. W. Zhou, L. J. Liu, B. L. Li, Q G. Song and P. Wu*, Structural, elastic and electronic properties of Al-Cu intermetallics from first-principles calculations, Journal of Electronic Materials, 38(2) (2009)356-364.
22. S. Li, P. Wu, H. Fukuda, T. Ando, Simulation of the Solidification of Gas-Atomized Sn-5mass%Pb Droplets, Materials Science and Engineering A, 499 (2009)396-403.
23. Q. Zhao, P. Wu, B. L. Li, Z. M. Lu and E. Y. Jiang, Activation of room-temperature ferromagnetism in nonstoichiometri TiO2?δ powders by oxygen vacancies, Journal of Applied Physics, 104 (7) (2008) 073911.
24. S. Li, P. Wu, W. Zhou, T. Ando, Kinetics of heterogeneous nucleation of gas-atomized Sn-5mass%Pb droplets, Materials Science and Engineering A, 473 (2008) 206-212.
25. D. Y. Peng, B. L. Li, X. L. Chen, E. Y. Jiang, H. L. Bai, Z. Q. Li and P. Wu*, Microstructure and thermal stability of Al-Ti alloys prepared by mechanical milling and reactive sintering, Powder Metallurgy, 50(1) (2007) 28-32.
26. Y. J. Li, P. Wu*, T. Ando, Continuous cooling transformation diagrams for the heterogeneous nucleation of Sn-5mass%Pb droplets catalyzed by surface oxidation, Materials Science and Engineering A, 419 (2006) 32-38.
27. P. Wu, T. Ando, Computation of continuous cooling transformation diagrams for the heterogeneous nucleation in Sn-5mass pct Pb droplets, Metallurgical and Materials Transaction A, 36(1) (2005) 35-42.


参加学术团体及职务: 天津市真空学会理事 ,天津市物理学会理事


* 已毕业博士生9人,硕士生25人
赵倩-2009年6月博士毕业,现就职于内蒙古科技大学 副教授
李述-2010年6月博士毕业,现就职于哈尔滨理工大学 教授
周伟-2011年3月博士毕业,现就职于天津大学 副教授

* 在读博士生3人,硕士生 9人

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