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Welcome to Prof. Ping Wu's Lab
Ping Wu
Professor, Ph.D. Supervisor

Ping Wu
Ph.D., Professor, Ph.D. Supervisor

09/1985-06/1990 B.S, Material Science, School of Material Science & Engineering, Tsinghua University;
09/1992-06/1994 M.S, Materials Physics, School of Material science & Engineering, Tsinghua Unviersity;
09/1994-06/1997 Ph.D., Materials Physics & Chemistry, Dept.Applied Physics, Tianjin University,China;
09/1999-09/2000 Post-Doctor, Dept.Mechanical & Material Engineering, Northeastern University, Boston, USA;
01/2005-06/2005 Senior Visiting Scholar, The University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.
Professnal Affiliation

Department of Applied Physics
School of Science
Tianjin University
Tianjin, 300072, P. R. China

Areas of Interests:
◆ Fabrication of solder balls by uniform droplets spray process (UDS) and investigation on the corresponding thermal dynamic.
◆Investigations on interfacial reaction, tin whisker growth, and electromigration of lead-free Sn-based solder.
◆Studies on magnetic, optical, and mechanical properties of materials using first-principles method based on functional density theory.
◆Fabrications and studies on oxide and alloy thin films.
◆Fabrications and studies on oxide semiconductor nano-powders.

◆National Natural Science Fundation of China
◆Tianjin Natural Science Fundation
◆The Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University

Prof.Teiichi Ando
Advanced Materials Processing Laboratory
Northeastern University, Boston, USA

more details...
Teaching Courses

Surface Physics
Lectures of Modern Physics and High New Technology
Fundamentals of Physics (English&Chinese Version)
College Physics (English Version)

Address:102, 16th Building, Tianjin University,92 Weijin Road, Tianjin, P.R.China.    zip code:300072
TEL:86-022-27403488        E-mail:pingwu@tju.edu.cn
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