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diamonds_3Xiaojun Ma, Ping Lu,and P. Wu*,Structural, optical and magnetic properties of CeO2 nanowires withnonmagnetic Mg2+ doping, Journal of Alloys and Compounds,734 (2018) 22-28.
diamonds_3H. Zhang, P. An, W. Zhou, J. Dong, X. Lou David, Dynamic traction of lattice-confined platinum atoms into mesoporous carbon matrix for hydrogen evolution reaction., Science Advances, 4 (2018) eaao6657.
diamonds_3G. Zhao, Y. Sun, W. Zhou, X. Wang, H. Liu, X. Meng, K. Chang, J. Ye, Superior Photocatalytic H2 Production with Cocatalytic Co/Ni Species Anchored on Sulfide Semiconductor, Advance Materials, 29 (2018) 1703258.
diamonds_3 Y. Liu, W. Zhou*, N. Umezawa, Electronic and optical properties of TiO2 solid-solution Nanosheets for bandgap engineering: a hybrid functional study, Journal of Physics and Chemistry C, 121 (2017) 18683.
diamonds_3Yanyu Liu, Wei Zhou and P. Wu*, Tuning electronic structure and optical properties of SrTiO3 by sitespecific doping by Nb with N/B from hybrid functional calculations, Materials Chemistry and Physics ,195 (2017) 170-175.
diamonds_3Yong Ma, Xuezheng Li,Wei Zhou, Lizhuang Yang and P. Wu ,Reinforcement of graphene nanosheets on the microstructure and properties of Sn58Bi lead-free solder, Materials and Design,113 (2017) 264–2725.
diamonds_3Y. Liu, W. Zhou, P. Wu, Electronic structure and optical properties of Ta-doped and (Ta, N)-codoped SrTiO3 from hybrid functional calculations, Journal of Applied Physics, 121 (2017) 075102.
diamonds_3Shuhua Dai, Wei Zhou, Yanyu Liu, Yi-Lin Lu, Lili Sun, Ping Wu,Electronic, magnetic and optical properties of C- and N-doped CeO2 bulk and (111) surface from first-principles,Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids,116 (2018) 187–193
diamonds_3Ping Lu, Wei Zhou, Ying Li, Jianchun Wang, Ping Wu,Abnormal room temperature ferromagnetism in CuO/ZnO nanocomposites via hydrothermal method,Applied Surface Science,399 (2017) 396–402
diamonds_3Yi-Lin Lu a, Shengjie Dong b,1, Baozeng Zhou c, Na Wang d, Hui Zhao b, Ping Wu,First-principles prediction of magnetic salts: Case study of NaCl bulk and(001) surface doped with light non-metallic 2p-block elements,Computational Materials Science 132 (2017) 10–18
diamonds_3W. Zhou, N. Umezawa, Viable approach toward efficient p-type conductivity in Al-doped anatase TiO2 via strain engineering, RSC Advances 7 (2017) 20542.
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申请号\申请日 公开号\公开日 发明名称 发明人
200710059894.1\2007.10.16 ZL101138789\2008.03.12 均匀液滴喷射三维快速成型方法与装置 吴萍、周伟、刘立娟、李宝凌、张洪波
200710059895.6\2007.10.16 ZL101140889\2008.03.12 自动焊球封装植球方法与装置 吴萍、周伟、刘立娟、李宝凌、王艺
200710060649.2\2007.12.28 CN101279372\2008.10.08 一种采用电荷振荡法液滴分裂制备微颗粒的方法和装置 吴萍、周伟、刘立娟、李宝凌、张洪波
200710060650.5\2007.12.28 CN101279373\2008.10.08 一种二次库仑分裂制备纳米颗粒的装置 吴萍、周伟、刘立娟、李宝凌、徐志伟
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