CHIEF Investigator

Xiaodong Zhang

MS&Ph.D. at Tianjin University

Postdoc at Stanford University (2015) (Advisor:Hongjie Dai)

Tianjin Outstanding Youth Scientist Program (2015)

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PH. D.    Students

Xiaoyu Mu

MS at Tianjin University

Working on the radiation therapy of small clusters

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Junying Wang

MS at Tianjin University

Working on the radiation therapy of small clusters

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Yaqi Jing

MS at Tianjin University

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Haile Liu

MS at Lanzhou University

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Master Students

Yanqing Qiao

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Lingfang Liu


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Fujuan Xu


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Ruijiuan Yan

BS at Hebei University of Tecnology

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Lufei Ouyang

BS at Tianjin University

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Junchi Chen

BS at Tianjin University

Any problems about our homepage please contact me

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Shaofang Zhang



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Si Sun

BS at Tianjin Medical University


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Qinjuan Ren

BS at Anhui Medical University


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Shuo Li

BS at Xi`an University of Posts & Telecommunications


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