New extended phase space and phasetransition of noncommutative spacetime inspired black holes

admin   2017-09-19 10:12:02   4861

报告题目:New extended phase space and phasetransition of noncommutative spacetime inspired black holes
报告时间:2017-09-25 15:00 (星期一)
报告人:缪炎刚 教授(南开大学物理学院)



 1.   Y.-G. Miao, Z. Xue, and S.-J. Zhang, Tunneling of Massive Particles from Non-commutative Inspired Schwarzschild BlackHole, Gen.Relativ. Gravit. 44(2012)555-566 [arXiv:1012.2426 [hep-th]].

2.   Y.-G. Miao, Z. Xue, and S.-J. Zhang, Quantum Tunneling and Spectroscopy of Noncommutative Inspired Kerr BlackHole,  Int. J.  Mod.  Phys.  D  21  (2012) 1250018 (13pages) [arXiv:1102.0074 [hep-th]].

3.    J.-Q. Li and Y.-G.Miao, SpontaneousBreaking of Permutation Symmetry in Pseudo-Hermitian Quantum Mechanics, Phys. Rev. A 85 (2012) 042110 (9 pages) [arXiv:1110.2312 [quant-ph]].

4.   Y.-G. Miao and S.-J. Zhang,The Coordinate Coherent StatesApproach Revisited,Ann. Phys. (N.Y.) 329 (2013) 133-145[arXiv:1105.4025 [hep-th]].

5.   Y.-G. Miao and Y.-J. Zhao, Interpretation of the CosmologicalConstant Problem within  the  Framework  of Generalized  Uncertainty  Principle, Int.  J. Mod.  Phys.D 23 (2014) 1450062 (9 pages) [arXiv:1312.4118 [hep-th]].

6.   Y.-G. Miao and X.-D. Wang, One-LoopRenormalizable Wess-Zumino Model on Bosonic-Fermionic Noncommutative Superspace, Phys. Rev. D 90 (2014) 045036 (34 pages) [arXiv:1403.4705 [hep-th]].

7.    Y.-G. Miao, F.-F. Yuan, and Z.-Z. Zhang, Thermodynamic Approach to FieldEqua- tions in Lovelock Gravity and  f (R)  Gravity  Revisited, Int.  J. Mod.  Phys. D  23 (2014) 1450093(9 pages) [arXiv:1407.1698 [gr-qc]].

8.    Y.-G. Miao andX.-D. Wang, All-Loop Renormalizable Wess-ZuminoModel on Bosonic-Fermionic Noncommutative Superspace, Phys. Rev. D 91 (2015) 025016 (15 pages) [arXiv:1403.5046 [hep-th]].

9.    Y.-G. Miao, Y.-J.Zhao, and S.-J. Zhang, MaximallyLocalized States and Quantum Corrections of Black Hole Thermodynamics in the Framework of a New Gener- alizedUncertainty Principle, Adv. High Energy Phys. 2015 (2015) 627264 (15 pages) [arXiv:1410.4115 [hep-th]].

10.   Y.-G. Miao and Z.-M. Xu, Thermodynamics of Noncommutative High-Dimensional AdS Black Holes withNon-Gaussian Smeared Matter Distributions, Eur. Phys.  J. C76 (2016) 217(13 pages) [arXiv:1511.00853 [hep-th]]. 

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