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刘新军 副教授 个人主页

 行政职务 无
 电子邮箱 xinjun.liu@tju.edu.cn
 办公地址 32-241
 专业方向 材料物理与化学
 主讲课程 大学物理、物理实验
 通讯地址 天津市津南区海河教育园内雅观路135号, 天津大学32教学楼241室, 天津,中国
 邮政编码 300354


2017.03- 今:天津大学,理学院应用物理学系,副教授
2013.04-2017.01:澳大利亚国立大学 (ANU),电子材料工程系,研究人员 (Research Fellow)
2009.10-2013.03:韩国光州科学技术院 (GIST),材料科学与工程系,博士后 (Postdoctoral)/签约教授 (Contractor Professor)
2007.07-2009.10:中国科学院,上海硅酸盐研究所 (SICCAS),博士后
已在Advanced Functional Materials、Physical Review Applied、Advanced Intelligent Systems、Nanotechnology、APL、IEEE EDL等期刊上发表SCI收录论文84篇,第一作者23篇,通讯10篇。被韩国、澳大利亚等12个国家的研究人员引用1610余次,SCI他引1510余次,第一作者单篇他引最高为80次,h-因子=23,检索结果来自2022年6月Web of Science数据库。多次参加国际和国内学术会议,并作口头报告。已授权美国专利2项,中国发明专利3项。
URL: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9003-9299 (ORCID)

URL: https://publons.com/researcher/2746625 (Publons)

URL: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/A-5219-2012 (ResearcherID)

URL: http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=T3HNCBEAAAAJ (GoogleScholar)




1. 在尖峰神经网络 (SNN) 的理解方面,研究了NbO2忆阻器神经元的尖峰动力学特性及不同特性之间的转化边界,演示了如何将生物的簇发放(Bursting)动力学融合到人工神经网络之中。相关研究发表在2020年Advanced Intelligent Systems期刊,并被Advanced Science News新闻网站作为亮点报道;后续相关论文也发表在Journal of Applied Physics上,并被选为Featured article;

2. 在负微分电阻现象的理解方面,创新性地提出一种独立于材料种类和物理机制的普适性模型,并在实验上得到证实,为其在新兴电子器件设计和神经形态计算应用方面提供了重要指导,2篇相关研究论文分别发表在2019年8月、9月的Advanced Functional Materials上。后续的实验研究2020年发表在Physical Review Applied上1篇,模型研究2021发表在Journal of Physics D上1篇;

3. 在实现阻变存储器高密度应用方面,首次选用NbO2作为选通器材料解决交叉型 (Cross-point) 存储阵列中的漏电流通路问题,创新性地引入简单双层氧化物 (WOx/NbOx) 结构,成功制备纳米尺寸 (直径~125 nm/厚度~10 nm) 原型器件,获得优异开关性能,相关论文被2012年VLSI国际研讨会接收,相应的技术已授权两项美国专利,在国际上引起很大关注。例如,浦项科技大学Hwang教授SIDP实验室探索如何降低NbO2选通器的阈值电流并应用于神经型态计算系统 (IEDM2013、IEDM2015、IEDM2017);惠普和韩国SK海力士半导体公司联合实验室将该技术进一步扩展,成功实现三维垂直堆叠超高密度存储结构 (VLSI2014、IEDM2015);中科院微电子所和华中科技大学再次提出NbO2可以作为通用选通器,并采用类似的双层氧化物 (Al2O3/Nb1-xO2) 结构(VLSI2019)。此外,澳大利亚、德国、意大利、美国的一些知名大学和研究所也开始这方面的基础研究工作。注:VLSI国际研讨会只接收极具应用前景的创新性研究成果,是全球先进半导体与系统芯片学术发表盛会,是国际微电子领域的顶级会议。

4. 在探索新型的神经形态计算方面,利用电阻开关的多级存储特性,通过调制尖峰时序依赖可塑性(STDP) 来实现具有突触功能的类神经元器件;利用氧化物的阈值开关特性,实现低能耗兆赫兹的电子弛豫振荡,该振荡可持续1.5小时以上 (频率约10-14 MHz),相应的开关循环可达千亿次,为进一步研究类神经元固态器件奠定了基础。

5. 在功能薄膜和阻变存储器件的科研工作中,针对过渡族金属氧化物中的各种电阻开关现象,考察氧含量、多层氧化物结构设计、预处理过程和操作电压极性等对开关性能的影响,结合COMSOL多物理场仿真软件,再现导电细丝中缺陷 (氧空位) 的漂移-扩散过程以及焦耳热诱发的局部金属-绝缘体相转变,揭示局域化高温区域在氧化物开关中扮演的关键作用,突出氧空位扩散率和迁移率、氧化物电导率和热导率数值对开关性能的影响。


1. 天津市自然科学基金项目,2018F20031,非均相金属-陶瓷基纳米颗粒复合薄膜的高频磁性及磁电特性研究,2018.04-2021.03,10万元,已结题,参加
2. 澳大利亚研究委员会发现项目,DP120101101,Understanding and improving resistive-switching in hafnium-oxide-based high-k dielectrics for non-volatile memory applications,2012.01-2014.12,30万澳元,已结题,参加
3. 韩国科技部信息通信技术和未来规划项目,2008-0060067,The development of ReRAM for next generation non-volatile memory,2008.06-2013.05,9.2亿韩元,已结题,参加
4. 国家高技术研究发展计划 (863计划)项目,2006AA03Z308,纳米结构氧化物薄膜及其在电阻式随机存储器中应用的关键技术,2007.10-2009.12,93万元,已结题,参加

1. H. Hwang, S. Kim, X. Liu. Resistance change memory device having threshold switching and memory switching characteristics, method of fabricating the same, and resistance change memory device including the same, 美国专利US 9269901 B2, 公告日期: 2016.02.23.
2. H. Hwang, X. Liu, M. Son. Resistive RAM, method for fabricating the same, and method for driving the same, 美国专利US 9214631 B2, 公告日期: 2015.12.15.
3. 李效民, 杨蕊, 于伟东, 刘新军, 曹 逊, 王群, 张亦文, 杨长. 电阻式随机存储器用多层薄膜结构的电阻转变方式的调控, 中国专利CN101533669, 已授权2013.01.02 (No. 200910048823.0).
4. 李效民, 曹逊, 于伟东, 杨长, 张亦文, 刘新军, 杨蕊. 氧化锌基同质结构的透明RRAM元器件及制作方法, 中国专利CN101533890, 已授权2011.12.14 (No. 200910048825.X).
5. 李效民, 曹 逊, 高相东, 张亦文, 刘新军. 电脉冲诱发电阻转变特性的二元氧化物RRAM存储单元, 中国专利CN101621115, 已授权2011.08.03 (No. 200910056301.5).



1. X. Liu*, P. Zhang, S.K. Nath, S. Li, S.K. Nandi, R.G. Elliman. Understanding composite negative differential resistance in niobium oxide memristors, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 55, 105106 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6463/ac3bf4

2. Z. Luo, Y. Bo, S.M. Sadaf, X. Liu*. Van der Pol oscillator based on NbO2 volatile memristor: A simulation analysis, Journal of Applied Physics, 131, 054501, (2022). https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0073285

3. Y. Bo, Z. Luo, X. Liu*. Amplifier based on NbOx volatile memristor, in preparation, (2022).

1. Y.W. Zhang*, B. Li, Z. Wu, Z. Qin, H. Ji, X. Liu, B. Li and W. Hu. Modulation of magnetoresistance and field sensitivity of Co-ZnO nanocomposite film by microstructure controlling. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 54, 365003, (2021). https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6463/ac0ad3
2. B. Li, Y.W. Zhang*, Z. Wu, Z. Qin, H. Ji, X. Liu, B. Li and W. Hu. Magnetic properties and corrosion resistance of Co-DLC nanocomposite films with different cobalt contents. Diamond & Related Materials, 117, 108477, (2021). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.diamond.2021.108477
1. S.K. Nath*, S.K. Nandi, A.E. Helou, X. Liu, S. Li, T. Ratcliff, P.E. Raad, R.G. Elliman*. Schottky-Barrier-Induced Asymmetry in the Negative-Differential-Resistance Response of Nb/NbOx/Pt Cross-Point Devices, Physical Review Applied, 13, 064024, (2020). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevApplied.13.064024
2. Y. Bo, P. Zhang, Z. Luo, S. Li,  J. Song, and X. Liu*. NbO2 Memristive Neurons for Burst-Based Perceptron, Advanced Intelligent Systems, 2, 2000066 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1002/aisy.202000066
    X. Liu, Artificial neural networks built with memristive neurons, Advanced Science News, based on the article from Advanced Intelligent Systems (2020). https://www.advancedsciencenews.com/artificial-neural-networks-built-with-memristive-neurons/
3. Y. Bo, P. Zhang, Y. Zhang,  J. Song, S. Li, and X. Liu*, Spiking dynamic behaviours of NbO2 memristive neurons: A model study, Journal of Applied Physics, 127, 245101, (2020). [Featured Article] https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0004139

1. S. Li, X. Liu*, S.K. Nandi, S.K. Nath, and R.G. Elliman*. Origin of current-controlled negative differential resistance modes and the emergence of composite characteristics with high complexity, Advanced Functional Materials, 29, 1905060, (2019). https://doi.org/10.1002/adfm.201905060
2. P. Zhang, S. Li, Y.H. Bo, and X. Liu*. Collective dynamics of capacitively coupled oscillators based on NbO2 memristors, Journal of Applied Physics, 126, 125112, (2019). https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5116777
3. S.K. Nandi*, S.K. Nath, A.E. Helou, S. Li, X. Liu, P.E. Raad, R.G. Elliman*. Current localization andredistribution as the basis of discontinuous current controlled negativedifferential resistance in NbOx, Advanced Functional Materials, 29, 1906731, (2019). https://doi.org/10.1002/adfm.201906731


1.        S. Li, X. Liu (刘新军, 共同通讯作者), S.K. Nandi, and R.G. Elliman (共同通讯作者). Anatomy of filamentary threshold switching in amorphous niobium oxide, Nanotechnology, 29, 375705, (2018).

2.        S.K. Nandi (共同通讯作者), S. Li, X. Liu (刘新军, 共同通讯作者), and R.G. Elliman. Temperature dependent frequency tuning of NbOx relaxation oscillators, Applied Physics Letters, 111, 202901, (2017).

3.        S. Li, X. Liu (刘新军, 共同通讯作者), S.K. Nandi, D.K. Venkatachalam, and R.G. Elliman (共同通讯作者). Coupling dynamics of Nb/Nb2O5 relaxation oscillators, Nanotechnology, 28, 125201, (2017).

4.        X. Liu (刘新军), S. Li, S.K. Nandi, D.K.Venkatachalam, and R.G. Elliman. Threshold switching and electrical self-oscillation in niobium oxide films, Journal of Applied Physics, 120, 124102, (2016).

5.        S.K. Nandi (共同通讯作者), X. Liu (刘新军, 共同通讯作者), D.K. Venkatachalam, and R.G. Elliman. Self-assembly of an NbO2interlayer and configurable resistive switching in Pt/Nb/HfO2/Pt structures, Applied Physics Letters, 107, 132901, (2015).

6.        S. Li, X. Liu (刘新军, 共同通讯作者), S.K. Nandi, D.K. Venkatachalam, and R.G. Elliman (共同通讯作者). High-endurance megahertz electrical self-oscillations in Ti/NbOx bilayer structures, Applied Physics Letters, 106, 212902, (2015).

7.        X. Liu (刘新军), S.K. Nandi, D.K. Venkatachalam, K. Belay, S. Song, and R.G. Elliman. Reduced threshold current in NbO2 selector by engineering device structure, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 35,1055-1057, (2014).

8.        X. Liu,S.K. Nandi, D.K. Venkatachalam, S. Li, K. Belay, and R.G. Elliman. Finite element modelling of resistive switching in Nb2O5-based memory device,Conference on Optoelectronic and Microelectronic Materials & Devices (COMMAD), P280-282 (2014).

9.        X. Liu, S.M. Sadaf, S. Park, S. Kim, E. Cha, D. Lee, G.-Y. Jung, and H. Hwang. Complementary resistive switching in niobium oxide-based resistive memory devices, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 34, 235-237, (2013).

10.     X. Liu, S.M. Sadaf, S. Kim, K.P. Biju, X. Cao, M. Son, S.H. Choudhury, G.-Y. Jung, H. Hwang. Improvement of resistive switching uniformity by introducing a thin NbOx interface layer, ECS Solid State Letters, 1, Q35-Q38, (2012).

11.      X. Liu, K.P. Biju, J. Park, S.Park, J. Shin, I. Kim, S.M. Sadaf, and H. Hwang. Low power and controllablememory window in Pt/Pr0.7Ca0.3MnO3/Yttria-stabilizedZirconia/W resistive random-access memory devices, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 12, 3252-3255, (2012).

12.      X. Liu, S.M. Sadaf, M. Son, J. Park,J. Shin, W. Lee, K. Seo, D. Lee, and H. Hwang. Co-occurrence of threshold switchingand memory switching in Pt/NbOx/Ptcells for crosspoint memory applications, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 33,236-238, (2012).

13.      X. Liu, S.M. Sadaf, M. Son, J. Shin, J. Park, J. Lee, S. Park, and H.Hwang. Diode-less bilayer oxide (WOx–NbOx) device for cross-point resistive memory applications, Nanotechnology, 22, 475702, (2011).

14.      X. Liu, K.P. Biju, J. Lee, J. Park, S. Kim, S. Park, J. Shin, S.M. Sadaf, and H. Hwang. Parallel memristive filaments model applicable to bipolar and filamentary resistive switching, Applied PhysicsLetters, 99, 113518, (2011).

15.      X. Liu, K.P. Biju, E.M. Bourim,S. Park, W. Lee, D. Lee, K. Seo, and H. Hwang. Filament-type resistive switching inhomogeneous bi-layer Pr0.7Ca0.3MnO3 thin film memory devices, Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters,14, H9-H12, (2011).

16.      X. Liu, K.P. Biju, S. Park, I.Kim, M. Siddik, S.M. Sadaf, and H. Hwang. Improved resistive switching propertiesin Pt/Pr0.7Ca0.3MnO3/Y2O3-stabilizedZrO2/W via-hole structures, Current Applied Physics, 11, e58-e61, (2011).

17.     X. Liu, I.Kim, M. Siddik, S.M. Sadaf, K.P.Biju, S. Park, and H. Hwang. Resistive switching mechanism of a Pr0.7Ca0.3MnO3-basedmemory device and assessment of its suitability for nano-scale applications, Journal of the Korean Physical Society,59, 497-500, (2011).

18.      X. Liu, K.P. Biju, E.M. Bourim,S. Park, W. Lee, J. Shin, and H. Hwang. Low programming voltage resistive switching in reactive metal/polycrystalline Pr0.7Ca0.3MnO3devices, Solid State Communications, 150, 2231-2235, (2010).

19.      X. Liu, X. Li, W. Yu, Q. Wang,R. Yang, X. Cao, and L. Chen. Improved resistive switching properties in Ti/TiOx/La0.7Ca0.3MnO3/Ptstacked structures, Solid State Communications,150, 137-141, (2010).

20.      X. Liu, X. Li, R. Yang, Q. Wang, X. Cao, W. Yu, and L. Chen. Interfacial resistive switching properties in Ti/La0.7Ca0.3MnO3/Pt sandwich structures, Physica Status Solidi (A):Applications and Materials Science,207, 1204-1209, (2010).

21.     刘新军, 李效民, 王群, 杨蕊, 曹逊, 陈立东. Study on the “negative”resistance switching property in Ti/La0.7Ca0.3MnO3/Pt结构器件中“负”电阻开关特性研究, 无机材料学报, 25, 151-156, (2010).

22.      X. Liu, X. Li, W. Yu, Q. Wang, R. Yang, X. Cao, and L. Chen. Bipolar resistance switching property of Al-Ag/La0.7Ca0.3MnO3/Pt sandwiches, Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, 117,732-735, (2009).

23.      X. Liu, Z. Li, P. Wu, H. Bai,and E. Jiang. The Effect of Fe doping on structural, magnetic and electrical transport properties of CaMn1-xFexO3 (x=0-0.35), Solid State Communications, 142, 525–530, (2007).

24.      X. Liu, Z. Li, A. Yu, M. Liu,W. Li, B. Li, P. Wu, H. Bai, and E. Jiang. Magnetic, electrical transport and electron spin resonance studies of Fe-doped manganite LaMn0.7Fe0.3O3+δ, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 313, 354–360, (2007).

25.      X. Liu, E. Jiang, Z. Li, B. Li,W. Li, A. Yu, P. Wu, and H. Bai. Magnetic, electrical transport and electron spin resonance studies of ferromagnetic insulating manganites Nd0.85Na0.15MnO3, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials,305, 352–356, (2006).

26.      X. Liu, E. Jiang, Z. Li, B. Li,W. Li, A. Yu, and H. Bai. Magnetic, electrical transport and electron spin resonance studies of charge-ordered Nd0.75Na0.25MnO3, Physica B, 348, 146–150, (2004). 


27.     D. Li, D. Zheng, C. Jin, P. Li, X. Liu(刘新军), W. Zheng, and H. Bai. Photoassisted electric field modulation of multiple nonvolatile resistance states in highly strained epitaxial BiFeO3 heterostructures, Advanced Electronic Materials, 18,1800171, (2018).

28.     S.K. Nandi, X. Liu(刘新军),D.K. Venkatachalam, and R.G. Elliman. Effect of electrode roughness on electroforming in HfO2and defect-induced moderation of electric-field enhancement, Physical Review Applied, 4,064010, (2015).

29.     S.K. Nandi, X. Liu(刘新军),D.K. Venkatachalam, and R.G. Elliman. Threshold current reduction for the metal-insulator transition in NbO2-x-selectordevices –the effect of ReRAM integration, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 48, 195105, (2015).

30.     A.S. Zoolfakar, R.A. Kadir, R.A.Rani, S. Balendhran, X. Liu (刘新军), E. Kats, S.K Bhargava, M.Bhaskaran, S. Sriram, S. Zhuiykov, A.P. O'Mullane, and K. Kalantar-Zadeh. Engineering electrodeposited ZnO films and their memristive switching performance,Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 15, 10376-10384, (2013).

31.     S. Kim, X.Liu (刘新军), J. Park, S.Jung, W. Lee, J. Woo, J. Shin, G. Choi, C. Cho, S. Park, D. Lee, E. Cha, B.Lee, H. Lee, S. Kim, S. Chung, and H. Hwang. Ultrathin (~10 nm) Nb2O5/NbO2hybrid device and selector characteristics for high density 3D vertically stackable RRAM applications, Symposium on VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) Technology, P155-156, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, (June 12-14, 2012).

32.      M. Son, X. Liu (刘新军), S.M. Sadaf, D. Lee, S. Park, W. Lee, S. Kim, J. Park, J. Shin, S. Jung, and H. Hwang.Self-selective characteristics of nanoscale VOx devices for high-density ReRAM applications, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 33, 718-720, (2012).

33.      S.M. Sadaf, E.M. Bourim, X. Liu (刘新军), S.H.Choudhury, D. Kim, and H. Hwang. Ferroelectricity-induced resistive switching in Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3/Pr0.7Ca0.3MnO3/Nb-dopedSrTiO3 epitaxial heterostructure, Applied Physics Letters, 100, 113505, (2012).

34.      K.P. Biju, X. Liu (刘新军), M. Siddik, S. Kim, J. Shin, I. Kim, A.Ignatiev, and H. Hwang. Resistive switching characteristics and mechanism of thermally grown WOx thin films, Journal of Applied Physics, 110, 064505, (2011).

35.     K.P. Biju, X.Liu (刘新军), S. Kim, S.Jung, J. Park, and H. Hwang. Coexistence of filamentary and homogeneous resistive switching in graded WOx thin films, Physica Status Solidi (RRL) – Rapid Research Letters, 5, 89-91, (2011).

36.     X. Cao, X. Li, X. Gao, X. Liu(刘新军), C. Yang, R. Yang, and P. Jin. All-ZnO-based transparent resistance random access memory device fully fabricated at room temperature, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 44, 255104, (2011).

37.      K.P. Biju, X. Liu (刘新军), E.M. Bourim I. Kim, S. Jung, M. Siddik, J. Lee,and H. Hwang. Asymmetric bipolar resistive switching in solution- processed Pt/TiO2/W devices, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 43, 495104, (2010).

38.      X. Cao, X. Li, W. Yu, Y. Zhang,R Yang,X. Liu (刘新军), J. Kong,and W. Shen.Structural characteristics and resistive switching properties of thermally prepared TiO2thin films, Journalof Alloys and Compounds, 486, 458-461, (2009).

39.      X. Cao, X. Li, X. Gao, W. Yu, X. Liu (刘新军), Y. Zhang,L. Chen and X. Cheng. Forming-free colossal resistive switching effect in rare-earth-oxide Gd2O3 films for memristor applications,Journal of Applied Physics,106, 073723, (2009).

40.      R. Yang, X. Li, W. Yu, X. Gao, D. Shang, X. Liu(刘新军), X. Cao, Q. Wang, and L. Chen. The polarity origin of thebipolar resistance switching behaviors in metal/La0.7Ca0.3MnO3/Pt junctions, Applied Physics Letters, 95,072105, (2009).

参加会议 (报告、摘要及墙报)

41.     X. Liu*, S. Li, S.K. Nandi, S.K. Nath, and R.G. Elliman. Origin of Current-Controlled Negative Differential Resistance Modes, Inaugural Chua Memristor Institute Conference (ICMIC), (Poster), Wuhan, China, (November 11-14, 2019).

42.     X. Liu, S. Li, S.K. Nandi, S.K. Nath, and R.G. Elliman. Dual-window relaxation oscillation in NbOx memristor with double negative differential resistance, The International Conference on Memristive Materials, Devices & Systems (MEMRISYS), (Oral Presentation), Dresden, Germany, (July 08-11, 2019).

43.     刘新军, S. Li, S.K. Nandi, S.K. Nath, R.G. Elliman. 非晶氧化铌薄膜器件中的丝型阈值开关,中国物理学会2018年秋季会议,(墙报), 大连, 2018年​9月13日至16日.

44.     X. Liu, S. Li, S.K. Nandi, and R.G. Elliman. Nonlinear dynamics of niobium oxide coupled oscillators, The International Conference on Memristive Materials, Devices & Systems (MEMRISYS), (Oral Presentation), Beijing, China, (July 03-06, 2018).

45.     X. Liu, S. Li, S.K. Nandi, and R.G. Elliman. Electrical self-oscillation in NbOx film devices for neuromorphic computing, MRS Spring Meeting, (Oral Presentation),Phoenix, Arizona, USA, (April 17-21, 2017).

46.     X. Liu, S. Li, S.K. Nandi, and R.G. Elliman. Threshold switching and electrical self-oscillation in NbOx film devices, TheAustralian National Fabrication Facility (ANFF): 2016 Annual Research Showcase,(Oral Presentation), P48, National Centre for Synchrotron Science, Melbourne, Australia, (November 15-17, 2016).

47.     X. Liu, S. Li, S.K. Nandi, D.K. Venkatachalam, and R.G. Elliman. Synchronization of niobium oxide coupled oscillators for neuro-inspired computing application,International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, (Oral Presentation), National Convention Centre, Canberra,Australia, (February 7-11,2016).

48.     X. Liu, S. Li, S.K. Nandi, D.K. Venkatachalam, and R.G. Elliman. Synchronization of NbOx coupled oscillators for neuro-inspired computing, Nanotechnology Entrepreneurship Workshop forEarly Career Researchers, (Poster), P72, Griffith University,Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, (June 10-11, 2015).

49.     X. Liu, S.K. Nandi, D.K. Venkatachalam, S. Li, andR.G. Elliman. Low-power memory-selector element based on the insulator metal transition in NbO2, MRS Spring Meeting, (Poster), San Francisco, California, USA, (April 6-10, 2015).

50.     X. Liu, S.K. Nandi, D.K. Venkatachalam, S. Li, K. Belay, and R.G. Elliman. Finite element modelling of resistive switching in Nb2O5-based memory device, Conference on Optoelectronic and Microelectronic Materials &Devices (COMMAD), (Oral Presentation), Perth, Australia, (December 14-17, 2014).

51.     X. Liu, S.K. Nandi, D.K.Venkatachalam, S. Li, K. Belay, and R.G. Elliman. A memory selector element based on the insulator-metal transition in NbO2, AIP congress, (Oral Presentation),Canberra, Australia, (December 7-11,2014).

52.     X. Liu, S.K. Nandi, D.K.Venkatachalam, S. Li, K. Belay, and R.G. Elliman. Finite element modelling of resistive switching in Nb2O5, AIP congress, (Poster), Canberra, Australia, (December 7-11, 2014).

53.     X. Liu, K.P. Biju, S. Park, S. Jung, S. Kim, J. Lee, W. Lee, J. Park, J. Shin, I. Kim,M. Siddik, K. Seo, S.M. Sadaf, and H Hwang. Resistive switching mechanism of Pr0.7Ca0.3MnO3-based memory device and assessing their suitability for nano-scale application, The 18th Korean Conference on Semiconductors (Semiconductor beyond IT) (Oral: FE1-2),P157, Jeju Island, Korea, (February 16-18, 2011).

54.     X. Liu, K.P.Biju, E.M. Bourim, S. Park, I.Kim, S.M. Sadaf, and H. Hwang. Low-power and controllable memory window in Pr0.7Ca0.3MnO3/Yttria-stabilized Zirconia RRAM devices, International Conference on Electronic Materials and Nanotechnology for Green Environment (ENGE 2010), (Poster), Jeju Island, Korea,(November 21-24, 2010).

55.     X. Liu, K.P.Biju, E.M. Bourim, M. Jo, W. Lee,S. Park, and H. Hwang. Resistive switching characteristics of Pt/Pr0.7Ca0.3MnO3(PCMO)/W memory devices in a sub-micron scale via-hole structure, Advances in Nonvolatile Memory Materials and Devices, (Oral Presentation), Suzhou,China, (July 11-17, 2010).

56.      X. Liu, W. Yu, R. Yang, X. Li,and L. Chen. Resistance switching property of AgAl Alloy-La0.7Ca0.3MnO3-Ptsandwiches The 1st international symposium on advanced synthesis and processing technology for materials (ASPT08), (Oral Presentation),Wuhan, China, (November 14-17, 2008).

57.     X. Liu, W. Yu, R.Yang, X. Li, and L. Chen. Resistance switching and data reliability of Ti-La0.7Ca0.3MnO3-Ptsandwiches The 2nd International Symposium on Innovations in Advanced Materials for Optics and Electronics, (Poster), Shanghai, China, (July 06-09, 2008).

58.     刘新军, 姜恩永, 宋威, 李志青, 吴萍, 白海力. CaMn1-xFexO3 (x = 0-0.35)的结构和磁性,天津市真空学会2006年学术年会暨天津市真空学会薄膜专业委员会第一届学术会议,p227–230,天津,2006年11月24日至25日.

59.     刘新军, 姜恩永, 宋威, 李志青, 吴萍, 白海力. LaMn1-xFexO3 (x = 0.3) 的低场直流磁化强度研究,第五届全国磁性薄膜与纳米磁学会议,p28,江苏 苏州,2006年5月12日至15日.

60.     刘新军, 姜恩永, 李志青, 吴萍, 白海力. 多晶 Nd0.85Na0.15MnO3的磁性和电输运性质,第十二届全国磁学和磁性材料会议,p72,福建 武夷山,2005 年 11月16日至21日.


1.  2015年6月在澳大利亚昆士兰州格里菲斯大学黄金海岸校区举行的澳大利亚纳米技术网络 (ANN) 创业研讨会上,在“最好的募资简报”竞赛中获得团体优胜二等奖,获奖简报内容为‘下一代可穿戴安全令牌’。
2.  天津大学2021届本科生毕业设计(论文)优秀指导教师


时间 学校 年级 姓名 论文题目 专业名称 (就业去向)

2019.09-2022.06 天津大学, 中国 2019 罗子情  基于氧化铌易失性忆阻器的耦合振荡研究   独立指导  凝聚态物理(硕士) ( 合肥京东方光电科技有限公司 )

2018.09-2021.06 天津大学, 中国 2018 孛业恒  基于NbOx易失性忆阻器的信号放大和神经元功能模拟研究   独立指导  凝聚态物理(硕士) (海光信息技术有限公司)
2017.09-2020.06 天津大学, 中国 2017 张鹏      NbOx 复杂负微分电阻特性及其压控型耦合振荡器研究   独立指导  材料物理与化学(硕士) ( 华虹半导体(无锡)有限公司 )
2014.03-2017.09 The Australian National University (ANU), Australia 2014Shuai (Jack) Li Threshold Switching and Self-Oscillation in Niobium Oxide 合作指导 
2012.03-2016.04 The Australian National University (ANU), Australia 2012 Sanjoy Kumar Nandi Resistive Switching in Transition Metal Oxides forIntegrated Non-volatile Memory 协助指导 
2010.03-2012.09 Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST),South Korea 2010 Sharif Md. Sadaf Resistive Switching inniobium oxide and Epitaxial Hetero-structure 协助指导

(最后更新于2022-06-15 16:26:44)