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发布人: admin 发布时间: 2017-05-17 11:06:37 浏览: 6479 次

报告人: 米文博
报告时间:2017-05-17 15:30


  随着上世纪九十年代自旋电子学的迅速发展,信息的存储密度有了很大的提高。利用巨磁电阻效应制备的磁头应用在计算机硬盘存储上,使记录面密度由1988年的50 Mb/in发展到2003年的100 Gb/in。自旋电子学,也被称作磁电子学,是一门结合了磁学和微电子学的交叉学科,它研究的对象主要包括电子的自旋极化、自旋弛豫、自旋相干散射和与自旋相关的性质及应用等。众所周知,电子不仅具有质量和电荷,还具有向上和向下的两种自旋状态。对于一般的金属而言,在费米能级处,自旋向上和自旋向下的电子态密度是一样的,因此不表现自旋极化的特性。对于铁磁性金属而言,由于电子之间的交换相互作用,电子能带劈裂成自旋向上和自旋向下的两个子能带,这两个子能带在能量上有个位移差,引起在费米能级处自旋向上和自旋向下的电子态密度不同,这样就会造成在铁磁金属的电输运过程中参与导电的两种自旋方向的电子数不同,使得传导电流表现出自旋极化特性。利用自旋电子学原理可以生产出存储大量信息的新型自旋电子学器件。但由于3d过渡铁磁性金属(Fe、Co、Ni)的自旋极化率不高(~45%),不能满足实际应用的需求,因此人们开始寻找具有更高自旋极化率的材料。Fe4N就是一种高自旋极化铁磁性材料,本次将主要介绍Fe4N薄膜及其异质结构的稳定生长方法以及它的物理性质。


With the rapid development of spintronics in the 90s of last century, the storage density of information has been greatly improved. The magnetic head prepared by the giant magnetoresistance effect is used in the computer hard disk storage, which makes the recording surface density from 50 Mb/in in 1988 to the 2003 Gb/in of 100. Spintronics, also called magnetic electronics, is a combination of interdisciplinary magnetism and microelectronics, the object of the research mainly includes electronic spin polarization, spin relaxation, spin coherent scattering and spin related properties and applications. It is well known that electrons not only have mass and electric charge, but also have two states of spin up and down. For the general metals, the spin up and spin down electron density at Fermi level is the same, and therefore does not exhibit spin polarization. For ferromagnetic metals, due to the exchange interaction between electrons, the electron energy band splitting into two sub bands including spin up and spin down ones. At Fermi level, the electron state density of spin up and spin down channels is different, so the conduction currents show spin-polarized characteristics. A novel spintronic device can be produced by using the principle of spintronics. However, since the spin polarization of 3d transition ferromagnetic metals (Fe, Co, Ni) is not high (~45%) that cannot meet the needs of practical applications, the materials with a higher spin polarization are necessary to be prepared and investigated. Fe4N is a kind of high spin-polarized ferromagnetic material. This talk will present the stable growth method of Fe4N film and its heterostructure, then its physical properties will be introduced.

报告人简介:米文博 教授/博士生导师



  已在Physical Review Applied、Appl. Phys. Lett.、Acta Mater.等期刊上发表论文159篇,SCI收录158篇,1篇特邀中文综述;他引1200余次,SCI他引1000余次,H因子为19,第一作者38篇,通讯作者58篇。申请发明专利12项,已授权7项;多次参加国内、国际学术会议,特邀报告5次;主持国家基金4项、省部级6项;获得省部级自然科学二等奖1项;出版教材1部《自旋电子学基础》,专著1部《高自旋极化磁性材料》。

  为中国电子学会高级会员;天津市真空学会常务理事/秘书长;Nature出版集团学术期刊Scientific Reports编委(Editoral Board Member);担任2016年美国Annual Magnetism & Magnetic Materials/EEE International Magnetism Joint Conference的分会场主席(Session Chair);APL、Scientific Reports、ACS. Appl. Mater. Interfaces、JAP、J. Alloys Compd.、Appl. Surf. Sci.、Comp. Mater. Sci.等二十多个学术期刊的通讯评审人。