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Determining the Neutrinos Mass Hierarchy from Cosmological Data

发布人: admin 发布时间: 2018-10-18 09:01:18 浏览: 3968 次

报告人: 徐立昕教授(大连理工大学)
报告时间:2018-10-26 15:00


In this talk, I willgive a introduction to the neutrino masses, neutrinos effects on cosmicmicrowave background radiation and large scale structures. I will propose asimple parameterization to measure the neutrino mass hierarchy, namely$\Delta=(m_3-m_1)/(m_1+m_3)$ which is dimensionless and varies in the range$[-1,1]$. Taking into account the results of neutrino oscillation experiments,$\Delta$ is the unique parameter for determining all the masses of neutrinos,and a positive (negative) sign of $\Delta$ denotes the normal (inverted) masshierarchy. Adopting the currently available cosmic observations, we find thatthe normal mass hierarchy is slightly favored.                         

