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Ads/Ricci-flat correspondence and its application

发布人: admin 发布时间: 2019-11-21 15:13:31 浏览: 3564 次

报告人: 文睿(中国科学技术大学)
报告时间:2019-11-28 15:30


Holographic principle states that any gravitational dynamics has a description in terms of a non-gravitational theory in one dimension less.  However, the best understood formulation of holographic duality-Ads/CFT highly relies on the existence of the asymptotic Ads structure. I will present a map between asymptotic Ads spacetimes and Ricci-flat spacetimes that may allow us to develop holography for Ricci flat spacetimes.  


文睿,现在是中国科学技术大学物理系大四本科生。2019年夏天前往英国Southampton大学跟随Kostas Skenderis 在“Ads/Ricci-flat”课题上进行合作。报告的主要内容是介绍这个课题。  


【1】H. Lü and Rui Wen, “Holographic (a,c)-charges and Their Universal Relation in d=6 from Massless Higher-order Gravities”, Phys. Rev. D 99 (2019) 126003.